11/09/2020 - The Citadel - Reps and Runnin’

AO: The Citadel

When: 11/09/2020


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: Appletini, Ball Boy, Bob Ross, Carmen SanDiego, Clipper, Crop Duster, FIB, Handy Manny, Judge Smails, Nala, Onions, Powderpuff, Puddles, Sweet Gherkins, Thomas Tank Engine, Toadstool, Twilight,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Ball Boy


60+ degrees on a November 9th. No excuses and no regrets!


Run immediately from the flags over to the church parking lot with our coupons. Form two even lines for Batan death march warm up loop around the lot.

10 arm circles forward

10 arm circles backward

Hanging stretch to loosen the hammies

30 plank jacks

The Thang

Ok – we’ve got 39 minutes left to get 1k “reps” and 1.5 miles of running so let’s get after it!

100 merkins, 100 squats, 100 LBC’s, 100 SSH – any order

run parking lot loop (1/4 mile)

75 merkins, 75 squats, 75 LBC’s, 75SSH

run 1/4 mile loop

50 merkins, 50 squarts, 50 LBC’s, 50 SSH

run 1/4 mile loop

25 merkins, 25 squats, 25 LBC’s, 25 SSH

run .5 mile loop (2 laps)

If you finish with any remaining time – pick up the 6.  Everyone finished as the clock hit 5:55

Circle of Trust

Thanks for coming out men.  As I was thinking about what to say this morning part of me wanted to just “punt” and thank you all for coming out then lead right into prayer.  But then I remember Roach Coach AAR-ing me after a prior Q when I had done just that and telling me I need to take advantage of those moments of leading the group and say something….anything.  So I thought I would share something I read recently around leadership that I believe isn’t talked about enough.  Leaders have a lot of different behaviors that generally shine through but one of them tends to be attentiveness. You can’t overestimate how powerful it is to truly be attentive to those that surround you. Your family, your co workers and those you may have an opportunity to lead.  In today’s world of distractions, it’s easy to go through the motions when interacting with people, not being fully present and attentive.  But I think God puts us in certain interactions for a reason thus we need to be aware and mindful no matter how inconsequential they may seem at the time.  Make eye contact, truly listen and be attentive with those you interact with. This will help you form and maintain strong relationships with those you care about.  I certainly struggle with this at times.

Naked Man Moleskin

What a beautiful morning today! I’ve missed the last few Monday’s for various reasons and when I realized I was on the Q, I knew I had to start the week off right.  Then I get a text from Appletini telling me he needed a good butt kicking which I implied to mean I better not mess around.

EC’s have been popular at CIT lately so I threw that option but was secretly happy when no one took the bait meaning I could get some extra sleep. That was until I happened to check slack at 435am and saw Bob Ross mention that he was on his way to the EC run so had to throw on the new kicks and get out the door.  Enjoyed a nice 2 mile+ mosey with the legend Bob Ross before the main show.

Good energy today from all – some good mumblechat in the midst of everyone getting after it hard. I encouraged everyone to push, race someone near them and not just go through the motions. As my boy Muggsy told me recently “the great thing about working out is you get out of it exactly what you put in”.  That stuck with me and I hope today’s workout was a reflection of just that.  I think if you left it all out there this morning, you got your money’s worth.

Lastly, thanks to Cropduster for bringing the speaker for the tunes.  Music makes all the difference.  Questionable playlist at times but nonetheless, appreciated.


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