02/10/2020 - The Outpost - Rolling Thunder Arrives

AO: The Outpost

When: 02/10/2020


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Blart, Blues Clues, Crab Legs, Crop Duster, Dr. Dolittle, Elway, Quarter Cart, Snorkle, Trailer Park, Trickle,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: TPS Report


Surprisingly crisp morning. The breeze brought a chill to the bones of the PAX who reluctantly stepped from the warmth of their vehicles to bravely, though hesitantly, face the rumored pain.


Blocks were shouldered and carried to the flag. Blart immediately began burpees to “warm up” – shaming the rest of us into thinking we are lesser men for simple hops, arm swings, and leg stretching. Suppose being a former Marine Force Recon elite solider of the United States can do that to us average 9-5 joes.


Crablegs was confused on the towel part, but like a good boy scout, brought it anyway.


5:15 showed up quickly. Off we went.


Best. Warmup. Ever. (they’re all actually the best ever).



Capri Lap

Imperial Walkers

Abe Vigodas


Right into an easy Thang 1. Maybe.

The Thang

Thang 1:

100m bear crawl

100 big boys

100m bear crawl

100 mountain man poopers


Thang 2:


Started on the grass just passed the parking lot (soccer field). You could feel the tension in the air. PAX were nervously glancing at each other… “what is rolling thunder?” …”have you done it before?”…. “I don’t about this man.” Blart just shrugged and yawned.


Thankfully, and humbly, YHC looked past the chatter and centered the PAX on their ability to overcome, achieve, and win.


Starting with 5 incline merkins on the coupon, roll on your back towards the tree line and punch out 15 chest presses. The roll back up, always toward the tree line, to knock out 5 incline merkins, then roll again for the 15 chest presses. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Forever.


Roughly 50m of pure ecstasy. The grunts of fatigue and the frozen tears of pain were outmatched by the flowing strength of 11 men rolling around in frozen goose crap. Complaints turned into praise, cries of agony into triumph as the PAX pushed their way, rolled their way, heaved their way across the frozen tundra to achieve what so few have at F3 Naperville (cause, you know, it’s only been done one other time).


Finishing and picking up the 6, it was clear by the looks on the faces there in the gloom – the cold, the frozen goose crap, the aching muscles, the sheet exhaustion – all of worth accomplishing the hallowed feat of ….





Then we did 50m of coupon lunge walks and a coupon mosey.




Flutter kicks


American Hammers

Low plank hold for 1:30

Circle of Trust

Count O Rama

Announcements (LOTS OF NEW LOCATIONS AND WORKOUTS. Black diamond something or other, Iron Lion I think, and OH MY GOODNESS THERE’S A RUN CLUB AT THE RIDGE on Wednesdays!!!!!!

Name o Rama

Prayers (Bennet – Divots boy and family, Noonans family, Pi’s extended family)

Naked Man Moleskin

This morning hard to put to words what’s on my heart. So I’ll state it plainly: Why can’t I share the joy, the transformation, the difference in my life that Jesus makes as easily as I do F3?

It’s easy for me to look a man in his eyes and genuinely share the life changing aspect of F3. What it’s done for me, my family, and for so many around us. It’s easy to invite someone new and tell them it’ll change their life too. I’m laughed off sometimes, called crazy, some come and try and don’t come back. I get it – it’s not easy.

So why is this different for me about something so profoundly, and eternally, more important and impactful than F3?

We’re called to be fishers of men. Time to put away the old. I want to take what I’ve learned here at F3 and use it to spread the good news of a Savior. Of hope. Of an abundant life.

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