01/05/2022 - Dark Tower - Ruck CLub . . .. with a purpose

AO: Dark Tower

When: 01/05/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Wine in A Box


With dangerous wind and blowing snow I switched up Wednesday run club to a ruck club. Blowing snow over ice sounded like a bad idea for running . . . besides, there is BD run club on Wednesday for those that enjoy running. (Bjorn . . . 🙂 )\

Unfortunately, I seem to have misplaced my 20 pound and 30 pound weights for my ruck. WTF . . . how do you misplace weight plates?!?!? Did I loan them to anyone? Need to think this one over.

So I was stuck using by 45 pound plate. Cool.

I was blocks away when I remembered that I promised to bring a weighted vest for The Persian Kitten to borrow . . .  swearing at myself loudly, I sped back home to get it. As a result I was “coming in hot” and the STUD that is Aladdin already had the PAX running over the 5 principles and a brief warm-o-rama.

And then I found out that The Persian Kitten wasnt even there. Sigh.

Saw the badasses doing the Black Diamond run club in the parking garage. Blinky was wearing shorts. I think he has frostbite.

This plan has the potential to be a burner . . . lets see if that comes to fruition.



Ask Aladdin

The Thang

Pax form a line. First in line farmers carry with 2 coupons to the parking garage by Sparrow. This was not a casual stroll, we were moving WITH A PURPOSE. When the first PAX in line taps out, he goes to the back of the line and the next guy steps up. Like a reverse ruck/farmers carry Indian run.

Get to the parking garage . . . . CONTINUE the pace (a slow jog/shuffle) until we get to the top of the parking garage, and then do 10 standing merkins on the railing.

Same pace/farmers carry back down the parking garage.

Leave the coupons at the entrance, then turn around for a TRUE Indian run (ruck style) back up the parking garage ramps again. (thats a fast walk for most PAX, with the last PAX running to the front). Then 10 railing merkins each before Indian Running back down to the coupons.

Pick up coupons, then farmers carry reverse indian run back to the flags.

Total distance covered . . . 2.63 miles ish.

Circle of Trust


Its not easy to come out in the gloom day after day without goals. Im the kind of guy that cant just workout for fun, I need to have a goal Im working toward. Abominable Snow race . . . Frontline OCR . . . Ragnar . . . etc. Its the time of year where people set intentions and resolutions for the year, and I was inspired last year by Blues Clues with picking a word to define and steer your year. Last year was rebirth for me. This year is GROWTH. For me, that’s continuing to grow more consistent in F-3 attendance and get better at running.

So I challenge each of you to pick your own intention. Choose YOUR own word to mold your year and help provide focus so you can achieve your individual goals. LFG


Naked Man Moleskin

A BADASS group of HIMS today for sure! Also great mumblechatter with everyone at coffeeteria afterwards.

  • Overthrow  . . . back from a month hiatus and not missing a beat. Good to have you back ITG!
  • Snots . . . Another badass that was destroying the farmers carries.
  • Mellencamp . . .  I’m sorry for stepping on your heels roughly 28 times today. Mea Culpa. Appreciate you stepping away from the Lion to come today.
  • Cable Guy . . . Easily was the strongest/furthest distance on the farmers carry. This workout seemed right up his alley.
  • Aladdin . . .  mi Hermano was the reliable, consistent, badass Site Q that he ALWAYS is. Day in and day out, Aladdin is one of the HIMs that defines “male community leadership”. We are ALWAYS stronger when Aladdin is part of the post.

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