02/04/2020 - Dark Tower - Shandy Rucking? What’s Next, a Run Club?

AO: Dark Tower

When: 02/04/2020


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: afib, Aflac, atat, Backdraft, Bjorn, Drago, Jackie Chiles, Sesame Street, Snart, Yankee (FNG),

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: Schwinn

QIC: Shandy


My God I hate rucking. But Noonan loved rucking. Noonan wins.

So we did some stuff, with a ruck (and coupons) in honor of something Noonan loved.


15 x Mountain Man Poopers

10 each side x Sprinklers

10 x each side Nancy Kerrigan’s

10 x each side Cross over toe touches (slow like Abe Vigoda’s)

The Thang

Thang 1

Crazy Dora’s Bear Back Burpee Mountain

  • Partner up
  • First partner runs up the hill and back
  • Second partner does 10 burpees, bear crawls forward 10 steps, does 20 merkins, bear crawls ten steps, does 30 squats, rinses and repeats up the mountain until partner one comes back
  • Switch until both partners get up the mountain
  • Once everyone is at the top, 50 SSH in cadence


Thang 2

1:4 up to 10:40 Turkish getups and imperial walkers



  • 25 x Partial Absolution (only up down from high plank to chillcuts)
  • 15 x sleeping hillbillies
  • 15 x war hammers
  • Plank o Rama

Circle of Trust

  • Prayer: Gentlemen – Today. These past couple of days. And this week. Is, have been, and will be a rough one. There are so few words that can fully and accurately capture the feelings about the tragic situation that has been forced on Noonan’s family, Noonan’s friends and F3 Naperville. But what can be said, are words about the massive impact Noonan has made on F3, and more specifically Dark Tower. Noonan was the salt of the earth. He embodied all three F’s. He always showed up with a smile no matter what misery the Q dished out, and he was always happy to be out in the gloom with his brothers. Noonan was a gem of positivity that is unmatched. The loss of Noonan is huge not only for F3, but for anybody who ever came in contact with him. And it will have painful ripple effects for a long time. So as you leave here today and reflect on this situation and inevitably your own mortality, always remember that this brotherhood is here for you. You will always have a shoulder to lean on, not matter what that shoulder metaphorically looks like or needs to be. And with that said: God, thank you for bringing us together today, and all other days to help make us better men physically and mentally. Continue to help us to become better men; better fathers, better husbands, better sons, better brothers and better people. As we leave here today, please welcome and enjoy the gem of positivity that we knew as Noonan. Please hear all of our thoughts, prayers, concerns and worries. Whether they be spoken or unspoken.  And keep us safe in the future and allow us to all come together again sooner, rather than later. Amen and take care of yourselves.
  • Thoughts and prayers for: Noonan, Ken Doll’s sister in law, Wet Wipes father in law, Flatliner, Divot’s son, there were others and I apologize for not being able to remember all of them right now.
  • Announcements: Run Ragnar Run, Noonan’s wake tomorrow 3-9 at Freidrich Jones, funeral Thursday 10:30 at St. Raphael Church in Naperville.

Naked Man Moleskin

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