05/30/2023 - The Launch Pad - Simple and Effective – 150th Day

AO: The Launch Pad

When: 05/30/2023


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Mr. Wilson


Simple doesn’t mean easy.

Simple doesn’t mean useless.

Simple can be difficult.

This simple workout will work everything… share with a partner to spread the love.


Running in place (normal, high knees, butt-kickers)

Side Straddle Hops

Arm Circles (FWD / REV)

Morning Asana Bro-ga Flow x2 (Prayer, Mountain, Half-bend, Rag Doll, High Plank, Low Plank, Cobra, Down Dog, then reverse)

The Thang

Dora to 150 with partner doing 2nd exercise:

  1. Curls to 150 + Plank
  2. LBC’s to 150 + Superman
  3. Merkins to 150 + Bananas
  4. Bent-Over Rows to 150 + Dips
  5. Shoulder Shrugs (with two coupons) to 150 + Lunges

All together (25 reps x 6 PAX = 150):

  1. Shoulder Press
  2. Bobby Hurleys

Extended Stretching:

  1. Quads
  2. Hamstrings
  3. Hips
  4. Back
  5. Shoulders
  6. Lats
  7. Chest
  8. Michael Phelps
  9. Good Mornings
  10. Hip Flexors

Circle of Trust

I came across a story of a guy that calculated the remaining weeks he had in his life and filled a jar with a penny for every week left.  As a week passed, he would take a penny out of the jar as a reminder to make each day/week/month/year count as they are not unlimited.

The average American male has a life expectancy of 77.23 years.  I have $16.08 left in my jar.

What will this week’s penny be spent on?  Time with family?  Time at work?  Will it be worth it?

Naked Man Moleskin

Had two new faces show up at Launchpad this week:  Wet Wipe and Nair.  Glad to have them both around to share the Gloom!

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