11/08/2021 - The Citadel - Site Q on Q Monday

AO: The Citadel

When: 11/08/2021


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Carmen SanDiego, CVS, Handy Manny, Mr. Miyagi, Nala, Puddles, RoachCoach, S'mores, Stay Puft, Toadstool,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names: Bonnies Farm

QIC: Clearcoat


:snow_capped_mountain: :blackops: Pre-Blast Citadel BC :blackops: :snow_capped_mountain:
11-8-21 5:15amEmpty Q slot at the Citadel tomorrow, luckily for you guys I got some thangs cooking up! There’s a battle brewing in the gloom and tomorrow it’s you vs you. Come get some! Bring your coupons :coupon: , gloves :gloves: and a whole lotta grit! Maybe a head light :headlamp:  if you need it. Lace em up tight and HC in the :thread::point_down::skin-tone-4::lfg:  


Alarm clocks on my up x10

Smurf jacks IC

Goodmornings IC

Imperial walkers IC

Arm circles IC

Shoulder taps IC

Lunge stretch 10 count each leg

The Thang

Mosey to pavillion between baseball fields with coupons.

4 rounds 5 min each 1 minute rest in between. PAX designated reps and movement until timer goes off for that round

4 cones set about 15 yds apart

Round 1

Curl to press x20

Bear crawl to 1st cone sprint back

Round 2

Rows with coupon x20

Lunge walk to 3rd cone Bernie sanders back

Round 3

Derkins x20

Cussack carry to 4th cone and back

Round 4

Squat jump x20

Murder Bunny to 2nd cone and back

Everyone got through 2 rounds of each some even got 3.

Mosey back to flags.


Freddy Mercurys IC

Dying cockroaches IC

Boxcutters IC

Manatees IC






Circle of Trust

Theres a silent battle going on not only ITG but in real life as it gets colder alot of us (me included) have trouble beating the fartsack. The battle is not only with ourselves to get up and beat the fart sack but against our society. There are many foreign influences trying to compromise our way of life and they want us to stay in bed and stay comfortable. They want you to get 1% worse everyday. They want you to be a sadclown. think about that next time you dont want to push yourself to be better than you were yesterday.

Prayers for Handy Mannys mom Dorothy and Adelines family.

Naked Man Moleskin

We had an empty slot on the Q sheet this Monday morning so as the site Q its part of my duty to make sure the show goes on. We all pushed each other and came out better and stronger.

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