11/01/2022 - Iron Lion - Sometimes you’re just going to take one in the balls.

AO: Iron Lion

When: 11/01/2022


Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Ronda Rousey


Invited PAX out for some fun and games to do some old and new exercises.


SSH – x 40 IC

Tappy Taps x 15 IC

Grady Corns x 15 IC

Ultimate Stretch

The Thang

Mosey to the Octagon with coupons.


T Merkin x 10 IC R/L – 3 count movement.

T Superman x 20 IC – 3 count movement.

Merkin to Superman x 10 IC – 3 count movement.

Butter Maker Lucky Lager Twists x 15 – 3 count movement.

Y Superman x 20 IC – 3 count movement.

Rocky Balboa’s


One Arm Coupon Press – x 30 IC

Dark Tower Coupon Press – x 40 IC

Ebeneezer Penny Pincher Blockee x 10 IC R/L

Diamond Merkin x 15 IC

Hand Release Merkin x 10 IC

Up and Over Coupon


House Arrest Roof Raisers x 20 IC

Pull Up Superman x 25 IC

Kneeling One Arm Coupon Press x 15 IC R/L

Carolina Dry Docks x 20 IC

Urban Cowboy Bucking Broncos – x 20 IC

Rocky Balboa’s


Riunite Mixers – x 10 IC both directions.

Feet Release Explosive Coupon Jumps – x 30 IC

Lunges x 20 IC

Curtsey Lunges x 20 IC

Hip Thrusters with Coupon x 35 IC

Mosey back to the flags.


LBC’s x 50 IC

American Hammers x 30 IC

Flutter Kicks x 20 IC

Star Gazers 30 seconds

Circle of Trust

Sometimes you’re just going to take one in the balls.

Coach Kloepfer lined up all the freshman boys and had us give pole vaulting a try during one of the very early season indoor track practices.  We used a practice pole which is basically a long metal stick.  Those that did not injure themselves, opt out, or failed to make it into the mats passed.  I was the lone freshman boy to survive and so began my career as a vaulter.

Fast forward to my senior year and I had improved greatly, but our equipment had not.  We had fiberglass poles, but they were worn and tired.  Thankfully, coach ordered new poles for the ’93 indoor/outdoor season.  The poles arrived on a late Friday afternoon before a Saturday morning meet.  I met with coach and three other JV vaulters for a special practice that night.  The poles were beautiful.  Bright neon green, lighter, stronger and longer.  It was like Christmas.  Everything clicked for me almost immediately.  My steps were on and I improved my PR that night by two feet.  Then, Saturday morning came.

I arrived with more nerves than usual and nothing from the night before was clicking.  I was way off on my steps and my first practice vault in warm-ups was disastrous.  It was all downhill from that point.  I knew things were off when I started down the runway to the box for my first attempt at my starting height.  I under planted severely and the pole bowed into a U shape.  My legs split in flight and the energy stored in the pole snapped back, caught me directly in the balls and flung me across the gym floor.  My dad told me that trainer Dan was by my side almost immediately as the crowd assembled started to ask each other if they thought I could ever have kids.  I remember trainer Dan telling me that I had to move my hands once in the training room.  He explained that he needed to make sure that my balls did not get pushed up into my body cavity by the blow.  The hit looked that violent.  Thankfully, my balls ended up being just fine.

I found myself at practice that next Monday with the same pole in my hand that had turned on me so suddenly.  It was a “get back on the horse” moment.  I could either risk taking one in the balls again or pack it in and call it a career.  I chose to risk it and was rewarded by setting the indoor vault record for our school weeks later.  I’ve been told that record would stand for quite some time.

This was a watershed moment for me as a young man and I hope this is not coming off as a humble brag.  The moral of this story is that life is going to catch us in the balls (figuratively and literally) at times.  Sometimes all you can and need to do is pick up your pole and take that first step.  I hope you’ll be able to think about my balls when faced with a similar challenging situation, laugh, pick up your pole and start speeding down the runway with everything you’ve got.

Naked Man Moleskin

Mr. Nice Guy said that we should say a prayer to give thanks for the opportunity to be together and it definitely felt right.  Imagine that.  MNG being nice.

Cousin Eddie made a joke about going “balls deep” that was super subtle, but was funny as hell.

Running next to someone as positive and as engaging as House Arrest is truly uplifting.  I just wish I could talk when I run.  It’s never been my strong suit.

Good friends tell you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear.  Rain Man is a good friend.

There are some sneaky strong men in F3.


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