06/09/2020 - Virtuosity - Sound the ALARM

AO: Virtuosity

When: 06/09/2020


Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names: Backstage, Bean Counter, Crop Duster, Den Mother, Flutie Flakes, Giggles, Rand McNally, Townie, Uncle Rico, Wrong Turn,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Singlet

QIC: Lewinsky


Temperature was just right for a 45 minute beatdown. We sounded the alarm and did a little runnin.


Good mornings IC 10
Abe Vagoda’s IC 10
Arm Circles IC 10 F/B

The Thang

Thang 1 – A L A R M

10 Overhead press w coupon
20 Lunge
30 LBC
40 Russian dips (each leg ½)
50 Merkins
Run down street to 4th mailbox (roughly 100 strides if not in a subdivision)


10 Shoulder taps
20 Squat jumps
30 Peter Parkers (each side 1)
40 Ranger merkins
50 Makhtar N’Diayes
Repeat run


10 Rows (L/R)
20 Jump squat
30 Mountain climbers
40 Rocket hillbillies (hillbilly with a high kick when the foot lands)
50 Pattycake merkins (w imaginary partner)

6 MoM
Flutter kicks IC 20
American hammers IC 20
LBCs IC 20
Hold plank 20 seconds

FNG – welcome @singlet
Welcome back @gopher and @cobra kai


Circle of Trust

Acknowledged what is going on in the world briefly but spent the majority of this time for prayer.

Naked Man Moleskin

Should someone check on @blowfish? He teased us with

I think everyone has that one crazy uncle that helps you get out of jams. I needed mine today and Uncle Rico was there. I had some audio challenges and nobody appreciated the robot sound…whatever.  Uncle Rico stepped up and covered so we didn’t miss a beat.  And the challenges didn’t end there, oh no.  I’ve q’d 7-8 times post Lincoln Games but for some reason, I was drawing a blank today.  A little late on CoR, forgot about our FNG and then figured we could just skip NoR…again, Uncle Rico was there to steer us back on course. Not sure what was going on in my head but thankful to have Rico cover it up best he could.

I’ll make sure to be on point Saturday at BP (early plug for my next beatdown).

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