08/31/2021 - Iron Lion - Sputnik’s first day on the job

AO: Iron Lion

When: 08/31/2021


Number of Pax: 23

Pax Names: Goldberg,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: BabyHands


YHC rolled into IL around 4:40am to find Bootlegger, Sputnik and Goldberg ready for some EC running. Bjorn and Big Gong showed up a few minutes later. YHC was happy to see BG, he commented yesterday that he wished he could have ran with us at DT the morning before. Plan was to run the short loop to be used in thang 1 and get a better sense of distance and pace, big loop and another small loop. Bjorn wanted to pick up the pace so we ran a little faster the next couple miles. Making the last small loop we saw Rainman running and we were about 50 feet behind him. We did our best to wolf pack him down but we couldn’t catch him running a sub 7 last mile, sheesh RM! Rolled back in with about 4 min to start. I asked SpeakerCity to grab the tires and guess what, they were already pulled down ready to be smashed. Goldberg wanted some rock, chose the Queens of the Stone Age radio on Spotify. 5:15, lets hit it.


5 Core Principles stated



Batwings  to 15 (arm circles forward, reverse, seal clap, overhead clap, moracin night clubs- Communicated that if hands dropped below shoulders at anytime they were to do 5 merkins. The music must have been loud when I gave those instructions…just saying. Shoulders were burning but could see that the PAX were up for the challenge.

SSH – IC to 20

Low squat hold, stretch, to Monkey Humpers IC to 15


The Thang

Thang 1

Line up in alphabetical order in 30 seconds. The PAX organized and assembled correctly the first time. Cleary I gave too much time, we’d come back to that. Pulled Dorn and Nacho Libre up and asked them to divide up into 2 teams in 20 seconds, they simply chose to split the line in half (A-M with Dorn, N-Z with Nacho)

One team was to run the small loop (.9 miles) in under 9 minutes. The entire group had to finish together. The other team would do a Tabata style workout hitting the tires for 1 min, merkins 1 min and overhead press 1 min. We would do approximately 3 rounds. Guess you had to be there but after about 30 seconds of swinging a 16lb sledge is when the PAX started chirping to keep going or go faster. Was good to see the intensity build. I got after Gong pretty good on one round and that bell would just not ring for him ;). Lots of swings. Team Nacho made it as a group in about 8 min. Flip flop and repeat. Team Dorn made it back in under 8 min as well.

Thang 2

Line up in order from smallest to tallest in 20 seconds. PAX failed, 5 penalty burpees

Line up in order from tallest to smallest in 15 seconds. PAX failed, 5 penalty burpees

Line up in alphabetical order in 15 seconds. PAX gave up and failed, 5 penalty burpees + 5 more for giving up. Some thing the PAX just wanted to do more burpees!

Line up in alphabetical order in 15 seconds. PAX passed.

Ring of fire. We would do 17 rounds of 30 second exercises while 5 PAX were always in the middle hitting the tire. After you did three swings on each side, you would call out another PAX to take your place. This went on for approximately 12 minutes. YHC would call out the exercise. Chazz did a great job stepping up and leading SSH in candence, Callahan took a stab at candence during Monkey Humpers but we’ll need to work on that. Imagine doing 4 monkey humpers and only getting credit for 1!

Finished with a merkin ring of fire to double as our final count, each PAX did one but counted off as we went around the circle. Some flashy merkins out ther, guys jumping, clapping, one arming it. Nice work, bring it!

Circle of Trust

Encouraged PAX to consider 75 hard. You may fail but thats a good thing in our “world” as its a natural part of the learning process.

Naked Man Moleskin

Thanks for Sputnik for having my 6. Well prepared, checked in with about 2 min to go but did not stop the flow. Got the count, announcements were good but could be crispier> Got NoR but was too long for Insta (IGTV for videos >1 min) so get your NoR done in sub 60. Got the pic even with the razzing by PAX as he stumbled to set up the angle and phone. Curds had to remind him that he could flip the phone and not try to contort his arms  :). Great to see some new faces at IL, hope you enjoyed the push and will see you next time.

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