02/19/2020 - The Outpost - Stop and Smell the Roses
AO: The Outpost
When: 02/19/2020
Number of Pax: 20
Pax Names: atat, Bean Counter, Broccolini, Dr. Ralph, Elway, Hamburgler, Handy Manny, HH Gregg, Ken Doll, Leuben, Mr. Miyagi, Nala, Quarter Cart, Snorkle, Sweet Gherkins, Trickle, Wet Wipe, Zima,
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
Before I started coming out to F3, I spent most of my mornings in a gym. I did a lot of lifting. Do I miss it? Meh. The workouts we do here tend to be all encompassing, involve more cardio, and I really enjoy all that F3 has to offer. That being said, if anyone feels like they miss the ‘good ol’ days of just endlessly pushing around weights, I have a treat in store for you tomorrow. Come join me for a good old fashion arms and chest beat down. After all, that is what 90% of going to the gym was all about, right? Time permitting, I may even bring back an oldie but a goodie from the High School days! Put your HC below and I’ll SYITG. P.S. I hope you all like
*Coupons required.
Also present were Tonka and Fargo!
Discussed 5 core principals and gave disclaimer.
Arm Circles IC x 15 Forward
Arm Circles IC x 15 Backward
Imperial Walkers IC x 15
High Knees IC x 15 (a sign of things to come)
Motivators from 7
The Thang
Mosey to pavilion with coupon
CPR’s (Curl, OH Press, Tricep extension) IC x 10
Mosey down the road to speed bump. It was explained to PAX that this was the stopping point where partner 2 would run to, do 15 Merkins, then run back to pavilion. PAX proceeded to do 15 Merkins OYO then head back to starting point as a group.
Thang 1 –
Partner excercises
Partner 1 starts with excerise while partner 2 ran to speed bump, did Merkins, than ran back and flip flopped.
100 reps of:
Isolation Coupon Curls (one coupon per arm)
Skull Crushers
Overhead Press
Curls Regular
Dips on the bench
Those that were ahead of the pack started a second round until time was called.
Thang 2-
Mosey back to flags with coupon where PAX circled up for an arm curl style Ring of Fire. One PAX did 5 curls while the others held coupons up at 90 degrees. With 20 PAX, this ended up being more ‘fun’ than I expected. Especially when Quarter Cart decided to really focus on his form in an extremely slow fashion!
Thang 3-
A high school football throw back. Remember those high knee warm ups? Now we get to do them again, only faster and longer! This was another way to interpret “Stop and Smell the Roses” as our bodies continually hit the pavement.
QIC started one of his favorite songs as of late (Chiron by All That Remains). We then started performing “Up/Downs”.
2ish minutes of high knee up/downs.
10 second recovery
30 seconds of plank buildups (high plank to low plank) during the start of the bridge
30 seconds of shoulder taps during the solo
10 second recovery
1:30 minutes of high knee up/downs to finish out the song.
Mary –
XY’s IC x 15
LBC’s IC x 15
Floyd Mayweather Plank Punch x 10
Circle of Trust
When I was thinking about what I wanted to say to you men this morning, I thought about defaulting to the same story about how F3 has changed my life or how F3 has impacted me. And maybe I will tell that story at my next Q, but for today, I wanted to talk about something else and that is appreciating life’s little moments. Taking positive from the negative. The silver linings. I have two boys at home, a 3.5 year old and a 1 year old. Between the 1 year old going through all the crazy developmental milestones this past year and the 3.5 year old being a threenager, I have learned that patience is a lot easier to talk about than to actually follow through with. The last few months I found myself getting very frustrated when I was getting the kids ready for school or even just getting them ready for bed. Why? Because they wouldn’t listen or follow my instructions. In our minds, many of us, especially myself, tend to have a plan in mind when we set out to do something. And for some reason, when I would lay my oldest down for bed, he thought it was a good time to get up and run around or just keep calling me back into his room to fix his blanket. After some self reflection and talking with my M, I realized that all he really wanted was to just have a few more minutes with us. Is that really all so bad? Same in the mornings. He just wants to lay around and enjoy time together before we get into the hustle and bustle of the day. I have been focusing on just appreciating these moments. Giving him the extra hugs or an extra tuck in or even the extra few minutes to run around without his shoes on in the morning. It has helped me calm down a lot and really just appreciate the time. As we’ve all continued to learn, life comes and goes faster than any of us would ever want it to. So my message for you guys is that no matter what is going on, stop and smell the roses. Appreciate the small things. In moments of frustration, look to see what the potential silver lining could be. You might find yourself realizing that your stress levels will come down and you could actually enjoy the very thing that you thought was driving you crazy! I know I sure have.
We prayed: Lord thank you for giving us men the ability to gather together this morning for the sake of fitness. Please look after all of us as we continue on with the rest of our day and remind us to take in the little moments and to always be grateful for the time that we have with our family and friends. Keep in mind our prayers for Jodie (Ken Doll), Jason (Zima), and Wet Wipe’s father in law and also any prayers we keep in our hearts.
Naked Man Moleskin
Thanks to all of those who came out for my VQ. I did NOT get very much sleep last night. Nerves? Anticipation? Excitement? Fear of screwing up? All of the above. In the end, it was a very fun experience and I look forward to getting back on the Q sheet in the future. You all have shown over and over again what it means to “Embrace the Suck”. Well, in HS, those up/downs were used as punishment for bad grades or missed tackles in a game, etc. I hated them. So what better time to bust them out again than with the F3 HIMs?
Big thanks to Quarter Cart for doing his Site Q duties and keeping me on track with the time. Another shout out to Broccolini for introducing me to F3 and getting me out here!
See you all again soon! – Bean Counter