06/04/2020 - Dark Tower - Take The Hill

AO: Dark Tower

When: 06/04/2020


Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names: Bjorn, Elway, Jackie Chiles, Leuben, Radio Flyer, Second Best, Smokey, TBD, Tonka, Vern, Woody,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Boones Farm

QIC: smokey


It’s been one heck of a week already. 45 minutes of work and mumble chat is just what the doctor ordered!

Thangs were designed so social distance could be maintained throughout the beatdown.

In honor of both Woody and TBD being in attendance (two PAX who never skip arm day), Thangs were adjusted to makes sure our pipes were not neglected.

Disclaimer for our FNG Boones Farm and we were off.


25 SSH’s in cadence

Arm circles forward and back for a 10 count

Trunk Rotations 10 count

Tappy Taps for a 10 count

Slowsey with our coupons to the base of the hill nearest the tower for Thang 1

The Thang

Thang 1:

PAX placed coupons in a line (spaced across the base of the hill) and given directions for how to get up the hill:

-Holding coupon, take 4 lunge steps forward

-Perform 10 curls (obviously)

-Bear crawl up to the top of the hill

-5 or 10 Merkins at the top of the hill (based on your fitness level- you know you)

-Run to the covered bridge

-5 or 10 Pullups at the bridge (again- fitness level for you)

-Run back to your coupon and rinse and repeat until your coupon is at the top of the hill

-Plank until 6 is in


Thang 2: Thang 1 took the entire time.  At 0559 hrs we carried our coupons to the parking lot and performed 25 coupon dips (never forget the pipes).

That ended up taking the entire

Circle of Trust

Count O Rama: 13

Name the FNG: Boones Farm (went to high school/played football with Woody, Shandy, Leuben, and Smokey).

Name O Rama

Prayers: Leuben’s extended family, Bjorn’s family friend, and Radio Flyer gave a strong (mini CoT) prayer request for America and everyone with all the happenings in our country.


I’m heartened by all of the good I see. Turn on the news and all you see is ACAB and F the Police.  That’s hard for YHC. To have crowds all over the country tell you exactly what you are and what they think of you…it’s not fun.  But when YHC looks past them, I see the people saying thank you, the PAX, neighbors, and community reaching out to say thank you. To check in.  Times are crazy right now, but each one of us can make a difference for good, even if it’s just a small gesture.

So I ask this: Listen. People tell me, tell you, tell others….”You don’t understand”.  You know what- I don’t.  I don’t understand what it is to be black in America.  I don’t understand what it is to be a woman of any color. Their is so much I don’t understand, and can’t ever totally understand, because I will never be a black man in America, a woman of any color, etc.  Just like I don’t understand what it is to be a teacher or a lawyer. But if you’re yelling at me, you don’t understand what it is to be a cop. And unless you become one, you won’t.  So….let’s all listen.  We can’t ever know each other’s experiences totally, but we can listen to each other and try. We all have a story to tell.  And if we listen to each other with respect, maybe, just maybe, we can get closer to understanding each other and doing what Jesus asked us to do. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Closed with a prayer of thanks, for understanding, and for love.

Naked Man Moleskin

Designing the workout, YHC was after some fun mumble chat while we worked up a decent little sweat. All while keeping a safe social distance.  Seems like that was accomplished with the OYO pace Thang.

The Ridge boys who rode out (2nd best, Woody, and Vern) learned exactly why DT homers rock the head nets (TBD has coined the name Team NetFlex….jump on board).

Jackie Chiles showed up fashionably late.

YHC was planning to kick it to my main man of The Cloth Padre for the closing Prayer, but….the FartSack got him!  Love ya Padre.

Social distance Coffeeteria was had by a decent number of DT and Black Diamond PAX.

Thank you all for coming out!

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