04/27/2022 - The Outpost - Thank you Blueprints
AO: The Outpost
When: 04/27/2022
Number of Pax: 18
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
Preblast Wednesday 4/27 5:15 The Outpost
@channel please join me for what is sure to be a great morning at the OG OP. Bring your coupons and your desire to push yourself. I will bring the game plan and the tunes. We will be on the move but none of that “Two Consecutive Miles under 8 minutes” stuff that Stay Puft was talking about
This will be a full body beatdown! SYITG
Got to the AO at 5 and Blueprints had already been there, planted the flag, and started his EC ruck!
Planted my flag, got the speaker ready, realized I forgot my written down workout in my trunk. It was 5:14 though and I wanted to start on time…so oh well. Gonna do this off of memory.
Disclaimer given. 5 Core Principles recited. Let’s get warm.
Goofballs IC x 10
Tappy Taps IC x 10
Ricos IC x 7 Each Leg
Burpee Ring of Fire – All PAX High Knee and then take a turn doing one burpee.
Mosey to East end of BBall Fields w/Coupons
The Thang
Leave Coupons at East End of Ball Fields
Mosey to Bridge
Thang 1 – Up and Over…
T-Merkins IC x 10 Bernie Halfway up bridge, Run to the middle of the bridge. Hold Squat
Monkey Humpers IC x 15 – Run to West End of Bridge. Hold High Plank for the 6.
T-Merkins IC x 20 Bernie Sanders Halfway back up the bridge, then run to the middle. Hold Squat.
Monkey Humpers IC x 15 – Run to East End of the Bridge. Hold high Plank for the 6.
T-Merkins IC x 10
Mosey back to Pavilion between ball fields.
Thang 2 – Escalating Triangle
We separated into three groups. Each group would start with heading down different directions of path. Perform 5 of each exercise then run back to the middle. Do exercise in the middle, then head down the next path. Etc.
Down the East path– Curls
West path– Burpees
North path– American Hammers
Start with 5, then 10, etc.
Everytime you return to the middle of the pavilion, 5 Bulgarian Split Squat into Step up for each Leg.
Most PAX got in about 2 full rounds. Some of the faster PAX got in 2.5 or so.
Mosey back to Flags at 5:52
Shoulder Taps IC x 10
Swimmers IC x 15
Shoulder Taps IC x 20
Leg Reach 1 Tap, then 0 Taps x 10 each
Circle of Trust
Count-a-Rama – 18!
Announcements – Thanks Uncle Rico!
Name-o-Rama – Sam Walton, Turkey Leg, Sparkler, Doback, Hacksaw, Flying Turkeys, Donkey, Blart, Barf Bag, Tailspin, Crab Legs, Crop Duster, Sho’nuff, Blueprints, Leuben, Elway, Uncle Rico, Bean Counter
I had two thoughts I wanted to share with PAX. The first was that I had gotten a chance to volunteer in my son’s kindergarten class last week. Three separate days, about 40 minutes each. It was a great experience to see the kids learning in their own ‘environment’. You could see the gears turning in their heads as I did some math and literacy centers with them. Coming in on Friday to read a few stories to them before lunch was great too. A big takeaway though is just how amazing these teachers are. Kids are all over the place. They are unpredictable. But somehow, the teachers manage this on a daily basis…with a smile on their faces! We did not have any teachers at the beatdown today, but for all of those in F3 Naperville…mad respect and applause for all you do.
My second thought, kind of playing off this gratefulness of ‘classroom leaders’ was just paying respect and appreciation for all of those in various leadership positions. I wanted to specifically call out Blueprints for his job as SiteQ for the last year at Wednesday Outpost beatdowns. There were some cold, dark, lonely days over the last year. 5-6 PAX posting. He handled it all with grace. Always checks in with the Q before a beatdown. Always has your 6! I asked PAX to give him some applause, which I was happy to see they joined me in doing. For Uncle Rico, I can’t believe he hasn’t been a siteQ before, but I look forward to the next year of him hyping up Wednesdays at OP. He will push guys out of their comfort zones in a good way. He was previously a Commz guy for us and has done work with our 3rd F and specifically with the F3Naperville Foundation. A true HIM. Someone who I have looked up to during my time with F3. These guys are doing all of this ‘work’ on a volunteer basis and I encouraged PAX to give them and all other F3 SiteQ’s and leadership team members a pat on the back and support for all that they do. Everything from hyping up the workout, taking pictures and posting on social media, to the not-as-fun stuff like attendance, making sure the site is safe and the Q is on schedule, etc. They may be in charge of picking up the 6, but let’s remember that we can ALL go pick up the 6!
Naked Man Moleskin
Today’s playlist was originally going to be my usual metal / heavy metal style of tunes. However, I wanted to celebrate Blueprints and Uncle Rico today, so I asked them both to throw me a song or two they wanted added to the playlist. They both had a very different genre in mind and the playlist kind of took a life of its own. I was pretty happy/excited about it. Hope everyone enjoyed a little bit of House Music, Nicki Minaj, Pitbull, Nelly, and so on!
Also in honor of Blueprints and Uncle Rico, I wanted to give the PAX a workout that was worth waking up for. A little more running than usual (2.15 miles). Merkins and more merkins… and so on. My second post ever was an Uncle Rico Q. I couldn’t wait for it to be over. I hope some felt that way today.
Finally, apparently it was cold outside today. I honestly didn’t even notice. The group pushed hard and pushed till the end. It was a great morning in the gloom!
Thanks for the support – BC