02/29/2020 - The Ridge - The 6 Month (b)Ridge Anniversary. Are you living 43 feet out in front?

AO: The Ridge

When: 02/29/2020


Number of Pax: 19

Pax Names: 5-Putt, bedpan, Boston Butt, Den Mother, DJ Sump Pump, Elway, Hamburgler, Onesie, Padre, pi 3.14, Second Best, SoccerMom, Thomas Tank Engine, Tigers, Tourniquet, Trickle, Vern, Woody,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: He actually left after 20 mins hungover so no naming took place (not counted in total PAX number)

QIC: Dilly Dilly


Invitations were handed out to attend the 6 month Anniversary of the opening of The (b)Ridge.  It was a “whos who” of F3 Naperville’s finest since this event only happens every 4 years b/c of the Leap Day.  A few not on the guest list showed up (Elway, Hamburgler, & Trickle) after Bedpan did some serious EHing at the weekly Caputo’s Catalina Wine Mixer with Naperville’s finest.  As the 20 men prepared for the party along with 1 FNG (I will get to that in a minute) that got things rolling with suicide burpees.  Dilly Dilly had dusted off the OG workout, with a few modifications, to remind the PAX how strong they have gotten over the last 6 months.

They Indian ran to the bridge & performed a bridge over nest to remind the PAX why the “b” is silent at The (b)Ridge.  They then made there way to the football field to experience some partner clerkins (i distinctly remember PI kicking my a$$ at that first (b)Ridge workout when I was an FNG) before they did 10 sets of sprints & exercises. The distances were set up at 15 yards for sprints & exercises b/c at F3 Naperville we work further out than 43 feet to become virtous leaders (do the math you will get it).  Timeout!!!!!!!!!!!  As the men began to prepare for sprints they noticed the FNG had disappeared as he decided to call it quits after 20 mins (DISCLAIMER:  I support & encourage FNG’s but you show up at one of my workouts hungover(drunk) after doing shots until 2 AM you will pay the price).  After Tourniquet rallied the 6 they continued on a set of 10 rotations heading to the hill.

At the hill the men recreated a version of the OG workout doing Urkel’s kyptonite up the hill & down the other side before sprinting back up & over while there partner did exercises. When it was done the men sprinted back to the top for some Mary.

I honored some of the OG’s at Mary as Woody & Boston Butt my fellow FNG brothers 6 months ago called out some exercises & then the Godfather Tourniquet did the same with the true Black Ops OG Trickle bringing us home.

With the pre-party complete b/c you could not get in the party without completion of the workout (NO completion NO tacos for you!!!!) the men watched as Chef Butt prepared the chirizo over the flat top grill, Tourniquet rocked the coffee, DJ Sump Pump spun the tunes, & Dilly did the champagne toast “High Life” style.  Fun times were had by all.

Will you be there for the 1 year anniversary?


Warm O Rama:

  • Suicide Start: 10 Burpees
  • 10 Abe Vigodas
  • 10 Goofballs
  • 10 Good Mornings

The Thang

Thang 1:

  • INDIAN Run to the (b)Ridge (.5 mile)
    • 2 groups based on fitness level; first group in does 10 extra burpees
  • Bridge over Nest: P1 bear crawls across bridge, P2 15 Squats, 15 Merkins, 15 LBCs, then run across bridge and back to P1 and takes over crawling. P1 runs back to start, 15’s, then across bridge and takes over crawling. Repeat 2x each PAX.


Thang 2:

  • Run to Cone #1:
  • 43 Partner Clerkins
  • 43 Squats
  • 43 LBC’s


Thang 3:

  • Set cones 15 yards apart from end zone to hill. PAX sprint from 1 cone to next.  At each cone you will perform 15 squats, 15 merkins, 15 LBC’s.  If you are a gazelle when you finish you go pick up the 6 like suicides & keep going until the 6 is done.
  • Urkel’s Kryptonite (Backwards run up the hill) then over to other side & sprint back up & over while your partner does 15 squats, 15 merkins, & 15 LBCs rotations until you are done.
  • When both complete you run to the top of the hill & wait on the 6


Ridge OG’s choose Mary exercises

Circle of Trust

Polar plunge today, go watch the men freeze their balls off

3 Q source opportunities check out F3 channels

CPR & First aid training on March 19th; check slack

3 VQ’s next week; get out & support


Naked Man Moleskin

I had already had my CoT message built earlier this week while on my flight to Houston, then something unimaginable happened just 3 days ago which called me to change my message.  Earlier this week a disgruntled employee walked into our Milwaukee Brewery & opened fire killing 5 people, himself, & changing lives of many others.  We have all seen these mass shootings way too often during our lifetimes & if you are like me I have always thought “surely that would not happen to me or around me”, well 3 days ago was a staunch reminder that this type of tragedy can you hit at any time.  Over the last couple of days I have had a chance to reflect on this tragedy & I have concluded 3 things:  #1 this was another reminder, like when Noonan passed away, that life is so precious & you should never take a single moment for granted. From when you open your eyes in the morning to when you close them at night be thankful & cherish every breath you have.  #2 is that TRUE leadership can be an amazing & powerful thing.  In the middle of 3k people I watched our CEO announce this real time tragedy to those at our convention.  He acted swiftly & decisively to cancel the remainder of the meeting in respect for the victims & their families, he showed strength is his message about our collective resiliency & the power of our people,  & lastly he showed grace/compassion as he held back tears of emotion for the grieving families & employees he was speaking to.  We need more of this leadership in our world men & that is what we are doing every day in F3 to lead 43 feet out.  #3 I continue to be in awe & humbled by you group of men.  The men here today & not here today I did not know 6 months ago & now the men of F3 that besides my wife were the first people to reach out to me & check on me & see if I needed anything.  I cannot tell you what that has meant to me to know that I have a group of people supporting me & watching over me.  I truly appreciate & love every one of you.

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.

Dear lord thank you for this day & thank you for putting us in this position to be with these amazing men.  Keep guiding us to be great leaders in our communities & lord watch over the lost ones & the families of those that lost their lives early this week.  We ask you to lift up those in our spoken & un-spoken prayers.  In your name we pray.

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