11/21/2022 - Iron Lion - The FIFTH labor of Hercules- Clean the Augean stables in one day!

AO: Iron Lion

When: 11/21/2022


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Wine in A Box


Thinking of this Q is what inspired the rest of the Labors of Hercules. To SpeakerCity’s chagrin . . . it was more running than he was anticipating. To be honest, I agree.

But hopefully fun was had by all . . .


To reinforce my belief that “running with coupons is dumb” we parked by the high school “athletic field” (there ya go Sulley).


The usual

The Thang


So the Augean horses were immortal, there were over 1000 of them, and the stables hadnt been cleaned out in 30 years. Thats a lot of shit . . .

Mosey to back parking lot with coupons

  • Every 5 parking spaces (horse stalls) are marked off with cones and coupons. This is a double line, with 5 PAX on one side and 4 on the other.
  • Do 5 exercises in each horse stall (be sure to run OUTSIDE the stall then back into the next one, then tag out a teammate who continues down the line. The other teammates are doing a continuous mosey nearby.
  • H – Hand release Merkins
  • O – Overhead press with coupon
  • R – Rows with Coupon
  • S – Sidestraddle Hops
  • E – E2K (Elbows to knees oblique crunches. . .  5 each side)

Each PAX had to complete 4 rotations in the stalls . . . . but we ended up completing 5 each!

Plus we ran a total of about 3 miles too. 🙂

Circle of Trust

CoT today

“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks”

  • Winston Churchill

We all have people that chirp from the sidelines and talk smack either to our faces, but more often than not behind our backs. But there is no need to bark back . . . just let your actions and character speak for itself.

In over 30 years there was a lot of shit piled up in the stables. And cleaning it out seemed like an impossible task. BUT Hercules got it done by rerouting two rivers to wash them clean. Just like those stables, we all need to clean out the shit. Whether it is clutter in your house that needs to go, or mental baggage that you are carrying around needlessly, so need to find an avenue to get rid of the shit. The longer you procrastinate in doing this, the harder the task will eventually be. SO identify what needs to go . . . . and get rid of it.

Naked Man Moleskin

Great group of men this morning!!

Random musings . . .

  • Sulley is a great runner. he can run and talk at the same time. I am very jealous of his ability to do this.
  • I apologize to speaker city for the disguised run club. I had no idea we went that far. (3 miles??)
  • Cousin Eddie, always coming in hot. Then again . . . so am I a lot of times . .  .
  • Baywatch, great to hear about your new dating exploits. Its awesome hearing about PAX that are able to successfully move on.
  • Beetlejuice, its great seeing you stick with F3. This weather tends to sift out the men from the boys, and you have sticking with it.  Way to go!
  • callahan- I hope your knee heals soon. Because healing at our age is a slooooow process.
  • Mellencamp- You can also run and have a lively discussion at the same time. I am jealous.
  • Sputnik- you are a beast. Every single morning you are like a machine out there.
  • Speaker City- Remember when you did HC runs and rucks? Want to start doing that again? I am in . . .

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