11/10/2020 - The Launch Pad - The Launch Pad – Same Tour Different AO “KISS TOUR”

AO: The Launch Pad

When: 11/10/2020


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Appletini, Ball Boy, Blow Dry, Cupcake, FIB, Frank The Tank, Moonlight, Serena, Sun Devil, Thumb Drive, Uncle Rico, Wide Right,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Aladdin


  7:53 AM

@channel LP “Launch Pad” BC mañana 0515 We might run a lot we might run very little, bring a coupon, HC in the 🧵 below! SYITG
5 Core Principles
Disclaimer Given
Let’s Party


Alarm Clocks (10) cause why not. (I call my alarm clock “Opportunity Clock” as Zig Ziglar recommends)

Magic Carpet Motivators from 8

Leg stretch 10 SC right 10 SC left

Knee down leg stretch 10 SC each leg

400 Meter coupon mosey (why you crying)


The Thang

Thang One


Merkin Ladder

Start with 20 merkin at the end zone. Sprint to 50 yard line. 19 merkin. Sprint back to opposite end zone. 18 merkin. Continue decreasing merkin count down to 1 merkin. Total of 210 merkin.

Once complete help pick up the six or side straddle hops

Thang Two

Merkin Mile

20 merkins are completed after each 1/4 mile (Total: 80 merkins, 1 mile).

Once complete begin 50 yard sprints while waiting for the six

Thang Three

50 yard sprint x 6 (all you got)

70 yard sprint x 1 (all you got)

Circle up for Mary

High Plank (60 sec)

Shoulder Taps IC 30

Flutter kicks IC 25

Big boy sit ups IC 25



Circle of Trust

Weather has been phenomenal, what a treat! I had a great night sleep. I’m finding myself going to bed earlier now. A month ago I was still running on 4 hours of sleep pretty consistent. Sleep was great, motivation this morning not so much. I was transparent with the guys in letting them know I had no desire to get out of bed this morning let alone work out. Thank goodness for ACCOUNTABILITY – the breakfast of Champions. I strive to be a man who takes action whether I feel like it or not. It’s not about “feeling” like it, it’s about being MEN of our word. I had to quite my inner Bit** as Joe Rogan says. I feel our society is so ass backwards now days. We want the reward instantly or in most cases before we’ve even earned it! I used the fire place example where a young man tells it,”First give me fire then I’ll give you wood”. It doesn’t happen that way, at least from my experience. First we give it wood (effort) then we get the fire (motivation).

Final Prayer

Naked Man Moleskin

A lot of heavy hitters ITG today. Last night as I began to prepare I was scrolling through the Exicon looking for a simple (not easy) yet effective workout. I’m now on page 16-17 and I keep making my way through. My left knee and ankle are a little beat up so the turf field was a blessing. Immediately after our Prayer the PAX did AAR which I appreciated. That’s something I will incorporate more often for a couple reasons. One to get better. Two so I don’t get complacent. That was humbling. Over all the PAX pushed it. I know Appletini hates all the things we did today so as I ran one of the laps I giggled inside. I asked Frank The Tank to be responsible for the ENERGY. Overall it was legit. I love wrapping up a BC or RC with sprints. I was focused on running mine yet from my peripheral I saw the PAX pushing which only fired me UP! It’s now 8:30. My M is bringing down breakfast, I’ve read, I stretched/rolled for a good 30 minutes, spent 15 minutes with my 2.0’s, showered, answered a couple emails and wrapped up this bad boy. Funny how I didn’t feel like it. Instead of letting the day run me, we CHOOSE to run it! Proud and honored MEN! Thank you!

Signing off….

See you @ the TOP!


A brief review of what took place after an Event of some kind (workout, GrowRuck, etc.), particularly regarding leadership displayed by a Q during said event. An essential part of a good LDP. Typically comprised of 3 things that went well and 3 things that could use improvement, but could go much deeper as well. (abbr. AAR)

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