10/30/2021 - The Bear - The lesson of Duck Waddle.

AO: The Bear

When: 10/30/2021


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Barbara, Chain Link, Chazz, Dorn, Shoeless, Urban Cowboy,

DR Names: Shakes

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Ronda Rousey


Please kindly consider this your formal invitation from YHC to join me at The Bear tomorrow.  It’s sopping wet after ‘s Q today, so we are going to stick to the pavilion (mostly).  Don’t be fooled.  Bring that coupon, a great attitude and come see how far you can go.

*Quick update here.  Our brother 
 is bringing his 2.0 Shakes (7) to the workout.  I’m not promoting this as a full family workout, but what I’ve designed can be done with modification by ages 7 and up.  I have some lighter Kettlebells I’ll be bringing jic and a Thang that will incorporate any kids that HC with their dad’s in a fun way.

HBD to all my Complex brothers!

HC below to get your ticket punched at The Bear tomorrow @channel.  Please meet in the small parking lot off of Burr Oak Dr. for this one.


Imperial Rockettes – IC x 15
Monkey Humpers – IC x 15
SSH – IC x 25
Ultimate Stretch – L/R

The Thang

Thang 1
Merkins/Chest Press
High Knees – IC x 25 – Thanks to Shakes for the count.
*Baby Carry
Superman to Iron Man – IC x 15
Fire Hydrants – IC x 15 R/L
Bird Dogs – IC x 15 R/L
Plank Jacks – IC x 30
*Rifle Carry
Lion Kings – IC x 30
Seal Claps – IC x 25
Shoulder Press – IC x 30
Butt Kickers – IC x 20
*Baby Carry
Coupon Squats – IC x 25
Coupon Swings – IC x 30
Long Lever Bridge with March – IC x 40
Single Leg Heel Raise – IC x 40
*Rifle Carry
American Hammers w/ Coupon – IC x 30
Heel Taps – IC x 30
Flutter Kicks – IC x 30
Big Boy w/ Coupon – IC x 10
*Baby Carry
Bent Over Rows – IC x 50
Inch Worms – IC x 10
Michael Phelps – IC x 20
Alarm clocks x 10
*Rifle Carry
Blockies – IC x 10
Tie Fighters – IC x 10 (Lunge position – Baby Arm Circles) – IC x 10 R/L
Grave Diggers – IC x 20
Shoulder Taps – IC x 30

Thang 2
Put a 50lb. ruck and Shakes in a tote and did two quick out and back inner loops from the pavilion.

Bear Hold – 1 minute
Various plank holds until Chazz called time.

Circle of Trust

I was lucky to able to attend a couple of different racing schools when I was younger.  My favorite was an all-day session at Road America in Elkhart, Wisconsin.  This is where I was introduced to an old salty ARCA driver by the name of Duck Waddle.  Yup, that’s his real name.  You need to understand that guys named Duck Waddle do not go on to become doctors.  “Paging Dr. Napekoski” makes sense.  “Paging Dr. Duck Waddle”…not so much.  Duck was meaner than a pissed-on rooster and could make a NASCAR truck dance on a wet course like it was a gold medal figure skater.  Duck had certainly found his calling behind the wheel of a race car.

Duck was my instructor for most of the day.  His teaching methods were very direct.  I learned this first hand when the time came for me to climb into the driver’s seat of a race ready Dodge Viper.  Duck was in the passenger seat and I took a quick warm-up lap on the autocross course to get familiar with the track and the car.  The tricky thing about early model Vipers is that they did not have any type of traction control.  Any mistake you made would be felt immediately.

I was driving too cautiously for the car’s capabilities from the start.  My corner entry braking sucked.  I could not get the power down at the apex and this resulted in a dismal corner exit on almost every turn.  I could sense that Duck was getting mad as hell with my driving.  Duck had seen enough and smacked me on the back of my race helmet.  He told me, “trust your eyes you a-hole!”  It was a very inspiring moment.  I loosened up and did drive a little better for the rest of the session.

We broke for lunch and Duck decided to sit down with me to clarify what he meant.  “Racing is like life, son.  Your mind and your hands will instinctively follow the route your eyes are taking you.  Hit your marks and it’s smooth sailing.  Miss your marks?  Well, you might burn.”  He was obviously not just talking about racing and it was beyond evident by the way he stared at me.

I think of that day often.  I understood that letting my eyes focus on those avoidable accidents in life would leave me upside down and on fire.  There are rumble strips on a race track and in life for a reason.  If you feel your car begin to shake, you better grab the wheel and let your eyes help you change course.

I have never achieved a goal in my life that I did not write down first.  I need to be able to see it, before I can believe it, to ultimately achieve it.  It might sound silly, but I have a list of things that I say to myself while staring at deep into my pupils in the mirror out loud every morning.  I challenge you to give it a try.  “Today is a great day.  My name is (insert here).  I am very healthy and I feel exceptional.”  The rest is up to you.  Where do you want your eyes to take you and what are you driving towards?

 Ended with an Our Father.

Naked Man Moleskin

I was beyond humbled to be with these men this morning.  The workouts are free, but each of you paid a price to be ITG with me and that is something I do not take lightly.

Barbara – I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you not smiling and putting in 100% effort into anything you are doing.
Chain Link – You’ve been an assassin since day one, still have the fastest NOR draw and simply do not quit.  Ever.
Chazz – You’ve solidified yourself as a first ballot F3 HOF’er in a very short time.  Your transformation is inspiring and it was an honor to workout beside you on your F324 journey.
Dorn – This PAX attacks every workout now with a Big Boy coupon.  The reps came fast and furious today and Dorn’s strength was on display for every thing we did.  Want to get Dorn to do something?  Tell him he can’t do it and take a big step back.
Shoeless – I have not worked out with you much until recently.  Your follow-up performance to Dorn’s “Let’s carry every heavy thing we find for a ridiculously long time Q” just added to your legacy.
Urban Cowboy – I think you got your name due to some streaking event in your past, but I’d like to think it’s because you are part cowboy.  You remind me of J.B. Mauney in a way.  I won’t fault you if you have to look him up.  Just please do not start smoking Marlboro cigarettes to complete the look.
Shakes – I saved the most impressive display to write about until the end.  The apple certainly does not fall far from the tree in your case.  It was an honor to have you join us today.  You’re a rock.  Hands down.  You have a fire that people are simply born with.  Keep stoking that stove of yours.

I took real joy in watching Dorn provide guidance, love, attention and support towards his son (Shakes) this morning.  That is one fine young man you are raising, Dorn!  It was humbling to see you jump in when needed and hold back and let Shakes press on his own when we were all pushing.  I learned a lot just by watching you.  Thank you.

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