01/22/2022 - The Outpost - Tough Sledding
AO: The Outpost
When: 01/22/2022
Number of Pax: 6
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Rusty
I knew the numbers at all of the Naperville AOs would be a little low for Saturday because our brothers of F3 Crossroads were having their a convergence and so lots of Naperville Pax were heading down to support them. Which was fitting because 17 of their Pax joined us the previous Saturday for our annual Memorial Convergence for Fallen F3 Brothers.
Because of this, I started EHing guys over text early in the day on Friday, even before I got my Pre-Blast up on Slack, which I have copied below:
Pre-Blast – The Outpost – 1/22/2022 – 7:00am
The Premier Location… The OG…. The place where it all got started…. the OUTPOST!!
When thoughts start running through your head on where you should post tomorrow…. Refer to the previous line and put your HC in the thread below!
I was once told that to have an interesting and exciting life I should …..
Spend time doing STRANGE things with WEIRD people.….
Come join me tomorrow for a trip around this Iconic AO.
We will visit multiple spots and do some strange things….
The HCs will determine if it will be with weird people!
Bring your Coupons
for all surfaces.
We will start moving at exactly 7am, so don’t be late! HC in the thread below.
So I got the Outpost early to set up some cones and was starting to get a little nervous…. It was 6:54 before anyone else showed up…. I was seriously thinking that I was going to be working out alone!! But shortly after Chaps and HH Gregg arrived, in came Toady, Captain Underpants and Sonny Bono.
As promised in the pre-blast as soon as the clock struck 7:00am, I gave a quick disclaimer and then we got to work. Read on to see what we did….
Warm O Rama
Mosey around AO stopping to do the following:
Hill Billies x 15 IC
Good Mornings x 15 IC
Arm Circles x 12 F/B IC
Hip Flexor Stretch x 15 Single Count
Hamstring Stretch x 15 Single Count
End WoR at the Bridge
The Thang
Thang 1 – Burpees for Bernie
Partner up…
Pax 1 – Burpees at bottom of bridge
Pax 2 – Bernie Sanders to top of bridge and run back
Rinse and Repeat
Each Pax goes up the bridge three times.
Mosey to the baseball field pavilion.
Thang 2 – Bench Workout
25 Step Ups
Run out 25 yards and back
25 Incline Merkins
Run out 25 yards and back
15 Bulgarian Split Squats Each Leg
Run out 25 yards and back
25 Dips
Run out 25 yards and back
25 Inverted Rows (under bench or bleachers)
Run out 25 yards and back
25 Decline Merkins
Mosey to soccer field near tennis courts collecting our coupons along the way.
Thang 3 – Tough Sledding
Pax form into teams. Each team lines up at a sled.
Load coupons into the sleds
Each pax in turn, takes the rope and runs out to its full length. When rope fully extended, pax pulls sled to themselves, repeating this process until they reach the cones. Once the sled is all the way across the line, the pax shortens the rope to about 5 feet and pulls the sled back to the start line Bernie Sanders style (walking/running).
While waiting their turn the other pax perform Squats, Big Boys, Carolina dry docks in sets of 10 each.
Each Pax pulls takes two turns with the sled.
Flutter Kicks x 25 IC
Oblique Crunches x 12 IC R/L
Box Cutters x 15 IC
Circle of Trust
My message for the men with me was pretty simple….
Our time on this earth is too short…. I don’t care how old you live to, it is still too short. And this world is constantly trying to tear us down… Sometimes it is the people we interact with, sometimes it is literally the environment (i.e. 6 degree “real feel” temps) and sometimes it is the voices in our own heads. So don’t waste a single minute…. SPEND YOUR LIFE DOING STRANGE THINGS WITH WEIRD PEOPLE! If nothing else, it makes for great stories during coffeeteria!
We prayed for HH Gregg’s uncle Armando who is in the hospital. We prayed for Handy Manny’s family, Flush’s family, the family of the 11 year old girl who died in her sleep, and all the people suffering in mind, body or spirit. We thanked God for all of the good and bad things in our lives and for the strength we need to continue to accelerate in the gloom and in our daily lives.
We prayed for all these things in God’s Holy Name….. AMEN!
Naked Man Moleskin
I don’t know about you, but I really like Q-ing workouts. I like planning them and trying to come up with new ideas to challenge the Pax and myself. And, selfishly, I like hearing the pax say “that sucked” or “that was a good one”. But the other reason I like to Q is because it forces me to push myself just a little harder than I do when I am just a Pax.
If you decided to read this backblast and actually made it this far into it without either falling asleep or getting so bored with my blathering that you shut it down, then I want to challenge you to put your name on the Q sheet…. Not just once, but 10 times! Pick some dates and AOs and put yourself out there. Trust me, you will be happy you did!
Now, before I sign off, I want to comment on the rising trend of warming your coupon before a workout…. I understand that several highly acclaimed scientists have done the research and have proven that keeping your coupon in the house (or in Cap’s case on the heat vents) before a workout does actually provide benefits. First, the coupon is not a concrete block of ice, so your hands stay warmer while doing endless overhead presses, but the most amazing bit of science is that the coupon weighs as much as 1 pound less when warm…. Don’t believe me….? Then consult the highly acclaimed scientists that I referred to earlier…. We call them Uncle Rico and Bronco!
Until next time…..
I am Rusty and we are F3 Naperville!