03/01/2022 - The Outpost - TRX at LOP
AO: The Outpost
When: 03/01/2022
Number of Pax: 6
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS:
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
Pre-Blast – Tuesday 3/1 LATE START OUTPOST
Option 1 – Get an extra hour of sleep tomorrow and come out for a solid kick in the
at 6:15am
Option 2 – Support one of the many great options tomorrow at 5:15am then make the quick trip over for a double tap Pick one of the options above and let’s get after it. We will be mostly (if not all) on pavement. We will be moving around a bit, but still bring your coupons as we may use them for one of the Thangs.
Looking forward to seeing you ITG (+1hr)!
Got to the AO around 6am. Planted my Two Wolves SiteQ flag, then walked over to the playground area to find a good spot to set up the TRX Straps. Went back to the parking lot to grab the three coupons out of my trunk (one for Cowpie and one for Shirley Temple). Chaps arrived. We had about 5 minutes to go so we had a good chat while we waiting for the rest of the PAX. 6:15 rolled around and we were still the only two there. Oh well, Go Time!
5 core principles and disclaimer were recited. Hit play on the music. Cowpie, Shirley Temple, and Sweeney Todd rolled in.
Tempo Good Mornings IC x 10
SSH IC x 10
Hillbillies IC x 10
Smurf Jacks IC x 10
Calf Stretch Each Leg x 10 Sec
Grady Corns IC x 10
Mosey over to the pavilion to drop off our coupons. Then to the path for Thang 1.
The Thang
Thang 1 – Escalating 4 Corner Loop
Thumb Drive joined us halfway through this Thang.
Started at the North/East Corner of the OP Loop. Then headed South to ‘Corner 2’, West for Corner 3, North for Corner 4, then back East towards the pavilion for Corner 1.
Corner 1 – 10 Burpees – Mosey to Corner 2
Corner 2 – Above + 20 Plank Jacks – Rebel Run to C3
Corner 3 – Above + 30 Squats – Mosey to Corner 4
Corner 4 – Above + 40 LBCs – Rebel Run back to C1
Thang 2 – TRX
Round 1 PAX rotate doing 10 Atomic Merkins. While 1 PAX does the Atomic Merkin, the rest do:
- Curls
- OH Press
- Dips
- Bent Over Row
- Catch-up Round – Do what you skipped
Intermission – To the basketball courts for one set of suicide runs.
Round 2 PAX rotate doing 15 Lat Pulls with TRX Straps. Rest of the PAX do:
- Leg Lift over Coup
- Leg Lift over Coup (again)
- Skull Crush
- Air out of Spare (Side Bends)
- Chest Press
- Catch up round – Do what you skipped
Back to the basketball courts for a final set of suicide runs.
High Plank :30 Sec
Newton’s Cradel IC x 10
Low Plank :30 Sec
Chilly Jack IC x 10
High Plank :30 Sec
Annies IC x 14
Recover, Recover!
Circle of Trust
Count-a-rama – 6
Announcements – Thanks Chaps!
I reflected on today being the 4 year anniversary of when I was promoted to Supervision at my job. It has been a fun but up and down last 4 years. This just reminds me to have patience. Have patience with all of life’s journeys. Anticipate the fact that there will be ups and downs. Continue to weather the storm. There was a moment early on where I almost wanted to quit. There was a situation where people who are very close to me at work were not being treated in a way that I felt was right. I weathered the storm. I am happy I stuck around. Things ended up much better now and I am a better person for it.
My second point had to do with the rapidly changing mask rules. Again… have patience. I know my M and I will still be a little weary of removing masks from our boys in school/daycare. There are others who will be unmasked the second they are allowed. This is fine. It is all fine and we should remember to be patient with those who have a different view than us. I often think about my kids and how kind and accepting they are. All kids really. I spoke with my son’s kindergarten teacher and it is amazing how these 5-6 year olds can all be in a room together, some with masks, some without, some dealing with other personal issues… yet they all are kind to each other. They are accepting. They have patients. Us adults really should see the way our kids are behaving in some of these social situations and learn a thing or two.
Naked Man Moleskin
I was a little nervous that no one was going to show up today! We had a little issue with the parking lot change and that cause a couple of PAX to roll in late. Shirley ran from his house to the AO like the mad man that he is. Keep accelerating man! It was great to see Sweeney Todd and Thumb Drive…it’s been a while since I got a chance to post with these two. I saw you kick it up another gear during that last suicide Sweeney! Nice. If all posts were late start, we would all get to see just how much Chaps and Cowpie are killing it, but I guess for now you all will have to come out to an LOP to see for yourself!
Last time I tried a TRX workout at F3, I had 18 or so PAX show up. It was kind of rough maneuvering everyone on and off the straps while keeping a good pace for the beatdown. This time with 6 PAX total it was MUCH better. Might be an LOP special.
I asked one of the PAX yesterday to give me three songs to add the playlist. He gave me Slipknot, Trivium, and Wannabe by the Spice Girls. Joke was on him because I added it and we all had to endure it!
Always a pleasure – BC