10/19/2020 - Dark Tower - “Undo-your-weekend Monday”

AO: Dark Tower

When: 10/19/2020


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Bjorn, Dingo, Moonlight, Radio Flyer, Townie, Twilight, Wagon Wheel,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Cupcake


38 degrees out, clear skies after a wet Sunday. Dark tower hill and field below just got aerated…beware if it stays wet, shoes become heavy!


Lunge w/ Oblique Twists IC x 10

Good mornings x10

Side leg raises x10 each leg

The Thang

Thang 1 – Turf field

Fast mozy to new turf NCHS field

50 copperhead squats IC

Lunges walk to 50 ya line 

Mozy back to end zone.

“1st & 10”

100 yard field marked at 10 yard increments. Perform 10 Merkins, 1 Burpee (11’s) at the 10, sprint the remaining 90 yards. Recover jog back to the 20. Perform 9 Merkins, 2 Burpees, sprint the remaining 80 yards, recover jog to the 30. Repeat until all 100 yards and 11’s have been completed. Plank/core exercise until remaining PAX complete.

(We did Merkins all 4-count and IC together, then a different PAX signaled go each time.)

Stopped at 30yd line.



Stopped in NCHS parking lot

60 sec plank

Mozy back to DT lot


Thang 2 – Dora

Partner Dora w/ coupons

100 bent over rows, 200 chest press, 300 curls

P2 runs up hill and does 10 SSH at top


Only got to 150 chest presses…a note to future DT Q’s they aerated DT and it’s fairly muddy as they’re sticking to shoes. 



Mountain climbers x10

Flutter kicks x25


Circle of Trust

Simple words this morning, get on the Q sheet.  I took this morning because guys said the same thing to me, “Step up, lead a workout”.  Doesn’t have to be fancy, doesn’t have to be complicated.  As evidence by mine this morning.  Our “1st and 10” drill at the NCHS turf field is literally the 1st exercise listed on the F3 “exicon” page.   And it was effective.  Thanks for comin out guys!

Naked Man Moleskin

see you next time

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