07/20/2021 - Virtuosity - Virtual in the Park

AO: Virtuosity

When: 07/20/2021


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Bean Counter, Daisy,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Backdraft


F3 Disclaimer and short mumble chatter about Daisy’s vacation to Florida and Bean Counters recent Black Diamond! Discussion was had about the amazing weather and the thinning group of Virtuosity. Plans were made to keep talking up Virtuosity for those that need it and count on it.


Warm Up to include Whole Body Stretching starting from the Neck and working our way to our toes.

Good Mornings X 25

Windmills X 25

Motivators from 4


The Thang

Thang 1:

Measure out 300 yards or 1/6 mile. One Pax Ran while others did:

Mountain Climbers

Plank Jacks

Shoulder Taps

Total Run: 1/2 mile


Thang 2:


Merkins and BBSU with 10 Bunny Hops between Each Exercise


Thang 3:

EMOM for 6 minute

Monkey Humpers


Side Lunges

Heel Raises






Side Crunches With Left ankle on Right knee (Elbow to Knee) and Alternate

Heel Touches




Circle of Trust

We discussed a recent movie we watched as a family called Miria on Netflix. It was a creative story about a young boy meeting his sister from the future, his parents from the past and his ancestors from the past as well. The message that I took out of it and shared with the group was the importance of the little life events that shape who we are and how we arrived here. We might miss out on the little events that we share with our family and not realize that those are the major live events that are shaping our future. Take advantage of the little moments and look back at the life changing moments which drove the course of our lives.


Prayers were for all of our F3 Brothers and their journeys to include Daisy travels to Florida and Bean Counters constant and wonderful motivation towards posting and representing F3.

Naked Man Moleskin

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