03/21/2023 - The Outpost - VQ – A Windy St Patty’s Day

AO: The Outpost

When: 03/21/2023


Number of Pax: 41

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Supply Chain


Distinguished HIMs, 

I humbly invite EVERYONE (who does not come out for easy) to join me tomorrow at the Outpost for my VQ, which I hope to be the first of many agility boot camps I lead. 

You don’t have to aspire to move like Muhammad Ali to benefit from agility training. Why is agility so important to both competitive and non-competitive athletes? Show up and we can talk about it. The first 45 minutes are free. 

No conventional running but we will be in motion. If you’ve never done agility training, start tomorrow. Keep up with what life will inevitably throw at you. 

We will push each other. We will get stronger together.


Jog one lap around parking lot – 1st half: close the gate; 2nd half: high knees


Tappy taps

Abe Vigotas

IT band stretch (standing; 30 seconds each leg)



The Thang


Partner up.

Marked hashmark in the middle of 2 parking spots

50 x super shuttle + burpee

1 rep =

  • starting in middle of 2 parking spots
  • run forward to touch 12 o’clock, touch end of parking spot line, back peddle to return to start position
  • lateral shuffle to 3 o’clock, touch parking line, lateral shuffle to return to start position
  • back peddle to 6 o’clock, touch end of parking spot line, run forward to start position
  • lateral shuffle to 9 o’clock, touch parking spot line, lateral shuffle to return to start position
  • complete 1 burpee

*100 x square shuttles

  • using 2 adjacent parking spots, start in bottom left corner
  • run forward to top left corner
  • lateral shuffle to top right corner
  • back peddle to back right corner

*200 Blarney jumps (aka lateral coupon jumps)


*not completed due to painfully inaccurate timing of exercise #1



The PAX grabbed their coupons and formed 4 teams of 10ish. They then moseyed to the north soccer field to line up behind their respective team cone at the west end of the field. When the Q yelled ‘start’, the PAX began the race by placing a coupon against their starting cone and caterpillaring (placing one next to another) coupons towards the east. After a PAX placed his coupon, he would do 3 burpees before picking up the last coupon in line to bring to the front. The teams raced to the east side of the field and doubled back finishing on the west side of the field.

It was a photo finish between teams 1 & 2 but, unfortunately, we will never know who the true winner was as the Site Q had his hands full filming team 4’s horrible burpee form.

The PAX then moseyed back to the circle and finished off the thang with 30 side leg lifts on each leg.


Circle of Trust

A big thanks to the guys who EH’d me – Snakes on a Plane, Donkey, White Rabbit, Malort, Snaggletooth, Crash. You were right. I got over the 5:15 thing after my first post and was back out for my 2nd post a few days later.

I was told not to overthink being a Q because it’s just a stupid workout. While I believe that to be true and that sentiment appropriately let guys off the hook of aspiring to run the perfect workout, I have been at a lot of noticeably well-planned workouts. F3 Naperville is special for a lot of reasons but the quality of workout ranks as one of the top one. I appreciate all you guys for making the 4:45 wake up a pretty easy decision.

Naked Man Moleskin

For my first BB, I wanted to answer a question I’ve gotten a couple of times – why did you do your VQ at the Outpost (when it ranks like 4th or 5th by post volume)? The answer is pretty straight-forward…why not?

I know F3 takes on a different meaning for everyone and I’m only a few months into it so far. After my first post (it was a Friday), I wasn’t really sure of what I should do next. For example – do guys line up workouts with each other beforehand? Is it normal to post again right away? I went with the old adage of ‘when in doubt, do something’. Instead of texting other guys to see if/where they would be posting the next morning, I just dropped my 2nd HC the following Tuesday and showed up. After my 2nd post, I just started showing up at different AOs without much concern if I’d enjoy myself or get along with the guys because, despite the pain, I was surrounded by guys who shared a minimum of one important value with me and, for guys, that’s usually enough. Bottomline is I chose The Outpost because it’s the most central AO to all the guys who had a hand in EH’ing me and I was hoping to pull some guys over who don’t post at The Outpost as much.

I’ve enjoyed expanding my comfort zone over the past few months. I’m going to say it here publicly and give everyone permission to push the hell out of me during pull up exercises – I sucked at pull ups coming into F3. Honestly, I still suck at pull ups. The first time I did a pull up exercise on the bridge at DT, I think I did like 2 pull ups. I’m up to 8 to 10 solid pull ups now. Whether it’s pull ups or something else, avoiding a challenges is a pretty weak way around it. Step up and put in the work. I may hate pull ups and suck at them, but you can count on me showing up to get at it.


Personal AAR:

  • work on the timing
  • future workouts will likely have a side of agility work rather than main course (especially if introducing a new exercise)
  • stand really close to Aladdin when giving instructions
  • races are awesome…keep doing more of them
  • practicing the F3 workout intro paid off



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