12/05/2020 - Black Panther - VQ- Today we are all Hilltoppers

AO: Black Panther

When: 12/05/2020


Number of Pax: 18

Pax Names: Boxcutter, Crambone, DJ Sump Pump, Elway, Fargo, Fire Marshall Bill, Handy Manny, Impossible Burger, Judge Smails, Milton, Paper Tiger, Parks and Rec, Pork Rinds, Sosa, Stork, The Wedding Planner, Thomas Tank Engine, Toasted Coconut,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 2

FNG Names: Stork, Fire Marshal Bill

QIC: Judge Smails


For my VQ, I decided to return to my high school roots, where I proudly played hoops for the Glenbard West Hilltoppers.  I warned PAX to come ready to top some hills and drop some sweat on the basketball court, all while rocking out to the sweet sounds of the late ’80’s!


Welcome and Disclaimer


Tappy Taps – 10

Abe Vagodas – 10

Arm Circles – 10 each direction

Capri Lap

Motivators from 6

The Thang

Thang 1- Location- The Hill

Bottom of the hill: 10 thrusters, 10 curls, 10 coupon swings/ Top of hill: 10 Bobby Hurleys

Opposite side of hill: 9 hand release burpees, 9 squats, 9 big boys/ Top of hill: 9 overhead claps

Rinse and repeat, decreasing each rep by 1


Thang 2- Location- Basketball Courts

DORA Exercises

100 SSH/ Partner Bear Crawls to opposite baseline and runs back

150 LBCs/ Partner Lunge Walks to opposite baseline and runs back

200 squats/ Partner does Imperial Walkers to opposite baseline and runs back


Thang 3 – Location- Basketball Courts

11s– Hand release merkins and Peter Parkers



American Hammers- 20

Freddy Mercurys- 20

Boxcutters – 15

5 Merkin Ring of Fire




Circle of Trust



Name-O-Rama- named 2 FNGs


For my VQ, I wanted to reflect on what F3 has meant to me.  I’m so thankful that Pork Rinds put me in an emotional headlock back in July and got my sad clown self out into the gloom, but I’m also grateful for the HIMs who have kept me coming back by pushing and encouraging me.  In particular, men like Parks & Rec, Milton, Box Cutter, Sosa, Paper Tiger, DJ Sump Pump, and Wedding Planner have given me the kick in the rear I’ve needed to accelerate and become a better man.

I’ve also come to dislike many things in F3.  These include running, burpees, the hill at BP, murder bunnies and the dudes at F3 Greenwood who design the Iron Pax workouts.

But I’ve realized there is only one person who is preventing me from dropping my HC for a Run Club, one guy stopping me from completing a 6-pack, and only one who won’t let me put my name on the Q sheet.  That person is me.

It’s made me wonder about what other goals and objectives in my life where I’m getting in my own way.

My challenge is to stand in front of the mirror and assess what’s really stopping you.  Instead of being the reason you can’t accomplish what you want, become the reason you can.

Prayers for Rusty’s father and siblings, DJ Sump Pump’s production manager, and Stitches, who is still getting over the lingering effects of COVID.

Naked Man Moleskin

Elway, sorry I misled you and didn’t bring a basketball.  This is a bootcamp, not a basketball practice.  Wedding Planner, I’m glad you found your glasses.  It was fun watching you look for them since you couldn’t see because, well, you didn’t have your glasses on.  Sosa, I can’t unsee you skipping to the beat of New Order’s Blue Monday while doing Imperial Walkers.

And Pork Rinds- thanks for having my 6.  You’re a hell of a wingman!

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