04/18/2022 - La Luz - When motivation isn’t enough.

AO: La Luz

When: 04/18/2022


Number of Pax: 18

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Road Trip


Our plan is to run 4 miles.

You vs. You

HC in the thread.

Welcome to F3 my name is Road Trip

La Luz for a run club. Lesss go!

5 core principles


head count


The first exercise is Tappy Tap 15 IC.

Was having a bit of a hard time trying to concentrate, I was nervous questioning myself if I was going to get my 4 miles.

The next exercise is High Knees 15 IC.

Again trying to think of an exercise to do, mind was racing. I was focused on a personal challenge and didn’t think of WoR lol.

The next exercise is Good Mornings 15 IC.

Gathered my thoughts.

The last exercise is a mosey to the starting line for instructions.

Follow me ! Lesss get it duuu

The Thang

After our short mosey we make it to the west side of the bridge.

We’ll run a ~1 mile loop as many times as you can until 5:55 then head to the flags.

Start at the west side of the bridge, cross the bridge until Broadway Rt.25 run south on the sidewalk. Hit New York St. and hook a right until River St. Once at River St hook another right towards the dead end and back to the starting line at the base of the bridge. Repeat.

Encourage those along the route don’t ease off the gas!

We’re off!

The miles start to rack up, everyone is moving!

I start and tbh I don’t look back until I hit my 4 miles.

I start to pass a few guys and remind them to keep going.

My heart and mind are racing. I look at my watch to check time and mileage more then I should paranoid I’ll miss my target of 4 miles. It’s been a long weekend due to the David Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge that i took up easter weekend. So I’m in and out mentally thinking I’m going to fail.

One mile goes then the second and third. I’m about 3.5 miles in with plenty of time and eventually hit the 4 mile mark about half way into the bridge.

This 4th mile completed my goal. 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours. sighs!!

I come back mentally and remember I’m Q’in RC lol so I do a turnabout in the middle of the bridge and run towards the PAX. I start to see runners and yell to get to the bridge HAULT then loop the parking until 5:55.

Runners start to fill the parking lot. Little by little one lap at a time the loop gets longer. I continue to run until 5:55 then head towards the flag.

Circe Up!

The first exercise is American Hammers ~45 IC.

I up the count to kill time until most PAX are in the circle. The circle fills.

The next exercise is Low Plank, with a twist.

Low Plant Shift 3 steps to the left when I say go. Holding Low Plank ~30 second SHIFT! while in Low Plant position. We move left , switch to High Plank ~30 seconds. Low Plank ~30 Seconds.

SHIFT! We continue to move left. Repeat this about 4-5 times. Fuckkk lol

6:01 hits


Circle of Trust

Thank you all for making it out today. This RC is special because it concludes the last 4 miles of the David Goggins 4x4x48. Thank you all for joining me!

I’m running on very little sleep due to the time blocks so i quickly gather my thoughts.

One thing I learned during this challenge is that we can’t rely on motivation to get up in the morning. Or to complete a task in general or in life. Motivation is a an emotion based off how we feel. It may vary on how you go to sleep at night or wake up in the morning. You may wake up super happy or real sad those emotions will tie into your motivation to even get out of bed. Those feelings made persuade you to start but do they really get you out of bed and going? I learned that for me it wasn’t enough. If you rely on motivation and motivation only to drive your day we may start off short handed because it comes and goes. Unless you are a hard ass mf which I am not. Life is still in play and everything in it. We each have our own challenges whatever they may be for you, aside from additional challenges we take on like 4x4x48 lol.

I had 12 4 mile legs to complete in 48 hours. I was motivated I had a plan, until my plan failed. My motivation slowly wasn’t my driver anymore. I learned that around 20 hours in, 5am running on very little sleep at the 23 mile mark. I was running but my mental state my emotions had got the best of me. I couldn’t rely on any motivation to complete my task. I thought fuck I’m legit half way into this my plan failed.

Discipline then showed its face.

That when those boats and the logs get too heavy I wasn’t alone. Thankfully Start Up and Chihuahua ran that leg with me and helped me get through it.  At this point it wasn’t motivation getting me up it was discipline, I told myself I don’t want to be there again regardless of how I feel or what I want. I got home and changed my plan my eating, my sleep, my schedule. The next run was my best Leg with negative splits pushing sub 7. Shout out to Blues and Sam.

Discipline was now in the front seat of the table and I made it to Q Monday morning.

Be disciplined with yourself to complete whatever task you may have, motivation will come and go.

Let motivation be the cherry on top of your discipline. That’s where the real power is.

I’m still trying to process the entire weekend there’s a lot left out. I’m very thankful for all the support everyone showed me. Thanks to all the runners who joined me coming from far and wide. It was an amazing experience and I’m looking forward to next years 4x4x48.

Stay Hard.

Naked Man Moleskin

Prayers for our families.

Major shout out to Blow Dry, he was missing during Mary because he wanted to complete his 4 miles. He didn’t stop when he was tired he stopped when he was done. That’s discipline.

We regrouped for the pic then went for coffee.


Until next time, Road Trip.

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