01/05/2022 - The Outpost - WINDY at the OP
AO: The Outpost
When: 01/05/2022
Number of Pax: 10
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS:
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
Preblast – The Outpost – 1/5/2022 5:15amJoin me tomorrow at the OG OP as we get after it for 45 minutes! We may or may not use coupons, so bring them just in case. I plan on getting us warm early and keeping it that way throughout the workout. That means movement and intensity
! Lots of great options tomorrow, but if you would grace me with your presence, I will make it worth your while! HC Below!
Got to the AO just after 5:00. I had planned on setting up some cones but with the wind going crazy, I scrapped that idea. We used the parking stripes instead.
Most PAX stayed in their car till about 5:13. I don’t blame them. 5 core principles and disclaimer recited. Music started. Lets go!
It was chilly and windy, so we started out on the move right away. Start capri lap around the main parking lot of The Outpost. Stopped about 1/3 of the way around for some Good Mornings, In Cadance, to 10. Continued our lap another 1/3 lap and stopped for some Imperial Walkers, in cadence, to 10. Ran another half lap then did a combination of 5 SSH, 5 squats … on my call. Repeat for a total of 4 times. Finish 2nd lap and grab our coupons by the flags.
The Thang
Thang 1
Coupon Work in the Northeast lot. This lot was much better plowed and clear of ice. I had two imaginary cones set up (too windy for real cones) at the 1/3 (Cone 1) and 2/3 (Cone 2) mark of the parking lot (heading north).
Round 1:
20 Coupon Curls – Bear Crawl to Cone 1 – 10 Grady Corns – Run back to Start
20 Coupon Curls – Lunge Walk to Cone 2 – 10 Monkey Humpers – Run back to Start
20 Coupon Curls – Run to end of the lot – 10 Mountain Climbers – Run back to Start. Hold Plank for 6.
Round 2: Repeat above but do 20 Overhead Press at Base.
Round 3: Repeat above but do 20 Goblet Squats (FORM!) at Base.
Round 4: Repeat above but do 20 Vertical Chest Press at Base.
Thang 2: Vicious Cycle
Start a gentlemen’s pace mosey around the parking lot. PAX at the back runs to the middle of the lot for 5 burpees, then runs to the front of the line. Continue until all PAX have completed their 5 burpees. Round 2 – Same as above except a quicker pace and we sent 3 PAX at a time to do 10 hand release merkins. (We got in just under a mile with this format!)
Grab Coupons and head back to flags for Mary.
1 LBC, 1 Second Hold at top. 2 LBC’s, 2 second hold at top … up to 10 LBC’s and 10ish second hold.
Circle of Trust
Count-a-rama – 10
Announcements – Thanks Blueprints
Name o Rama
I asked PAX if any of them had watched the show “This is Us”. No one admitted it. I love the show. Full disclosure, I have to mentally and emotionally prepare myself to watch the episodes. They just really pull on the heart strings. A show about the bond of family. How family deals with family matters. How family sticks together, with plenty of arguing and fighting sprinkled it. There was something in the show that was said by one of the characters that really spoke to me.
The characters are going through a tough time coming to grips with some bad news about their mom. One of adult kids says he feels like time should just stop when something tragic is happening. It isn’t fair that the rest of the world just continues to live on and move forward while they are dealing with something so devastating. His adult sister replies:
“If the world stopped for the bad stuff, then everything would be dark. But the world keeps going so we can find that crack of light on the other side of the door. We have found the light before…and we will find it again.”
It hits home for me. I know I have had moments in life where it was crazy to think that while I (or my family) was going through something so disruptive, the rest of the world has no idea and just keeps on going. However, it is important to understand that we NEED the world to keep going. Because when we are ready, we can pick ourselves back up, and ‘rejoin’ the world.
Kind of like our ‘vicious cycle today’ hmm….?
Naked Man Moleskin
My M asked me last night if I have considered holding off on posting in person with the recent spike in covid in our direct community. I told her I had not really considered this. However, it brings up a good point. Let’s continue to be smart. If you are sick, stay home. If you have been exposed and it is recommended you quarantine…stay home. Let’s not put each other at risk.
Great group of guys this morning. Went most of the night with 3 HCs. Which would have been find. It was a pleasant surprise to have 10 total PAX though! Thanks!
Always an honor – BC