10/01/2020 - Iron Lion - Wu-Tang is for the Children

AO: Iron Lion

When: 10/01/2020


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Catfish Hunter, Chain Link, Cousin Eddie, Ebeneezer, Fredo, Glass Joe, Mr. Nice Guy, Nacho Libre, Riunite,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:



Bring your coupon, we’ll need it for only 4 minutes.

We’re going to have some fun.

Long days and pleasant nights.


Cobra position for 15 seconds

Mosey across the street, high knees, butt kickers, karaoke shuffle.  Slow squats (10 IC).  Shoulder burn: circles, night-clubs, seal, and overhead claps.

Run with purpose to the next station.  Then Raindrops (circle up and SSH hop, with guy moving to the middle and doing (3) Yurpees).

Run with purpose to Thang 1


The Thang

Thang 1:  Duck Duck Goose

Cones set up in a large circle.  Every PAX found a cone and held plank.  If they had to break plank, roll over into Big Boy sit-ups.

You probably know the game was played.  When a person was goose’d, they had to pop out of plank, and it was  a sprint around the circle, and back to the cone.  If you were caught, 5 penalty burpees in the middle of the circle.

Thang 2: Choose your own adventure at the hill.

5 pax running the hill.  At the top, 10 good-looking merkins and 10 good-looking Bonnie Blairs (5 each leg).

First PAX down the hill got their choice of exercise.  Burpees, SSH, Curls, Chest Press, and Squats.  Last person down, got last choice (which was never burpees…)

3 times per group up the hill.

Thang 3: Nacho Libre Challenge

25 Merkins, 25 Squats, 25 Thrusters, 25 Curls for time.  4 minutes was the benchmark.  Nacho was there to proctor and no-rep anyone who cheated any motion.

Mary: Mountain Climbers (25 IC) and High/low alternating plank.


Circle of Trust

Winter is coming, don’t lose that acceleration you’ve spent 6 months building.  Buy the right gear and come out and have fun.  Half the experience is telling people that you’re still working outside every morning in January.

Message:  Everything in your life that stresses you out, there will be more of.  More money, more clothes, more parties, more food, more everything.

The only thing in your life that is actually worth caring about is your time.  Your time being healthy, your time that your wife is healthy, the time that your kids live at home and still need your advice, and the time you can still call your parents to go out for a drink.

Go home, take a mental snapshot of your life.  Your young wife, your kids that think you’re superman, and your body that lets you workout every day.

Most of us will take today for granted.  But someday, you will look back at TODAY and miss everything about today.  Make a point to appreciate TODAY.

Prayers for Hot Box’s FIL

Naked Man Moleskin

We’ve gotten to a place where 10 PAX is a “low” number.  I love 10.  10 is a gift.  You can work with everyone, you can talk, you can laugh.   10 PAX at a workout is 9 people who gave you their morning.  Make it worth it.

Q.   How do you know Naperville F3 guys still work out outside in the winter?

A.   Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.

Catfish Hunter is fast.  Really fast.

Nacho is the Iron Lion glue guy.  Mornings are better when he’s there.

Cousin Eddie might have finished first in the Nacho Libre challenge.  Shouldn’t be surprise.  He’s always doing the work the right way.  He does not cheat for time or for appearance.  Ever



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