01/19/2023 - Late Dark Tower - ZONE 2 and the power of close relationships

AO: Late Dark Tower

When: 01/19/2023


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Buttermaker


@channel  PreBlast
:explode:ZONE 2:explode:
Thursday, 1/19/23
6:15 AM – 7:00 AM
Want to go from bad shape to good, good to great, great to peak performance?
If you do, you should be doing ZONE 2 a couple times per week.
:fireball:ZONE 2 tomorrow at Late Start:fireball:
Gloves are recommended.  No Coupons.
HC in :thread::arrow_down_small:.

HIMs in attendance:  Debbie had the 6 and we were joined by Dilbert, Marla Hooch, Putz, HHGregg, Long Story, Cowpie.  Unfortunately, two Late Start regulars couldn’t make it- Dabo had to get downtown and Townie is Houston.



7 Prehab Exercises to Prevent Future Workout Injuries

  1. Yoga Squats
  2. Shoulder Taps
  3. Single Leg Deadlift
  4. Hip Openers
  5. Bird Dogs
  6. Cossacks
  7. Dead Bugs (We did not do these due to the wet ground)

The Thang

Thang 1

  • 6 minutes:  (:15 on / :45 off) run the path to the covered bridge
  • Run  (this was a little too easy…  no one made it to Zone 2 during this portion)

Thang 2

  • 6 minutes:  (:15 on / :45 off) under covered bridge
  • Mountain Climbers (6 minutes)
  • One Arm Burpees (6 minutes)
  • Leopard Crawl (6 minutes) these exercises seemed to work

Thang 3

Made our way back to the Flag while alternating the above – Mountain Climbers, One Arm Burpees, Leopard Crawl for :15 on and :45 off until the 7:00 AM bell.

Circle of Trust

CoT was based on a WSJ story, “The Lifelong Power of Close Relationships.”

According to the article, many years of research proves one thing to be true:  “one cru­cial fac­tor stands out for the con­sis­tency and power of its ties to phys­i­cal health, men­tal health and longevity. Con­trary to what many peo­ple might think, it’s not ca­reer achieve­ment, or ex­er­cise, or a healthy diet. Don’t get us wrong; these things mat­ter. But one thing con­tin­u­ously demon­strates its broad and en­dur­ing im­por­tance: good re­la­tion­ships.”

The closing line of the article sums it up perfectly, “If we ac­cept the wis­dom—and, more re­cently, the sci­en­tific ev­i­dence—that our re­la­tion­ships are among our most valu­able tools for sus­tain­ing health and hap­piness, then choos­ing to in­vest time and en­ergy in them to­day be­comes vi­tally im­por­tant. It is an in­vestment that will af­fect every­thing about how we live in the fu­ture.”

Please keep the above in mind while considering the importance of the 2nd F in F3.

Here’s the article:  https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-lifelong-power-of-close-relationships-11673625450


Naked Man Moleskin

My favorite part of F3 Zone 2 workouts is that it affords plenty of time and energy for mumbblechatter.  We kept it light and had a good time.

Regarding the CoT, sometimes you just want to have what you’ve always believed reinforced…  I’ve always believed that good and sustained relationships with family and lifelong friends as well as newly developed friendships were crucial to one’s overall health and happiness.  Unfortunately, no one has ever disagreed with this stance, so I have no one to say “I told you so” to, but it’s good to see general wisdom get its just due.

There were no studies done to support the following, but today’s CoT may have helped draw 75% of the HIMs in attendance at Late Start to Coffeeteria, where there was, as HHGregg so eloquently put it, “Great conversation and laugh therapy.”

Final note:  When driving by your F3 Coffeeteria location with your M, never say that that’s where you spend the “greatest hour of your week.”  It inevitably leads to the question by your M, “Greater than the countless hours you spend with me each week?”  You never want to put yourself in a position where the tuck-and-roll out of moving car is your best option.  Take it from a guy who’s learned the hard way.  After all, the article points out, “In particular, the more time they spent with their partners, the more happiness they reported. This was true across all couples but especially true for those in satisfying relationships.”

~Stay cool

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