01/21/2021 - The Citadel - 1/21 Run Club

AO: The Citadel

When: 01/21/2021


Number of Pax: 16

Pax Names: Blow Dry, Cataracts, Clapper, Fargo, Flo, Mayhem, Nala, Pork Rinds, Puddles, Road Trip, Subway, The Wedding Planner, Toadstool, Tonka, Trailer Park, Twilight,

DR Names: n/a

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: n/a

QIC: Tonka


It’s been a minute since YHC has attended let alone Q a run club might as well be today.



SSH x20 IC

Toy Soldiers x20 IC

Line jumps x20

Dynamic Runner stretch x10 IC

The Thang

Thang 1-Parking lot to parking lot.

Monday was discussing this Q with Ball Boy who gave me the idea to use the far north parking lot next to the Eola Center as well as the church parking lot. Just under .75 miles total so good amount of distance to not be too boring.

Until 5:42 PAX ran this loop. Instructed to run at a 5 K speed. Until they hit 1 of 3 markings. Those markings had them turn it up a notch to their 1 Mile speed for 100-200 Yards. Then right back to the 5 K speed. No slower.

Thang 2

Gather in the Church Parking lot at 5:43. Idea was from Curds pre Christmas Black Diamond with a twist. 4 groups/4 PAX in a a group. 3 PAX at the first parking space line and 1 PAX goes to the 2nd parking lot line. 1st PAX sprints to the PAX at the Second line, who then sprints back to the first line and so on. When the first PAX is sprinting from the 1st line for a 2nd time he goes to the second line. This continues until all 5 lines are used.


American Hammers

Leg lifts


Never cross Dolly

American Hammers

Circle of Trust

Today marks my 1st born’s 8th birthday. My 2.0s provide me with the why. Why to get better, why to be a better husband, why to be a better day. Dedicated Mary and the workout to her.

Naked Man Moleskin

“Sorry Tonka not much of a talker as my cardio is off due to my knees” told by Twilight while passing YHC.

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