09/02/2020 - The Citadel -

AO: The Citadel

When: 09/02/2020


Number of Pax: 20

Pax Names: Aladdin, CVS, Fargo, Flo, Handy Manny, hot box, Impossible Burger, Lewinsky, Powderpuff, Quarter Cart, Rudy, Sosa, Sweeney Todd, Thin Slice, Thomas Tank Engine, Thumb Drive, Tiny Bubbles, Twilight,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Thin Slice

QIC: Toadstool


Thanksgiving Q

First Q – exactly two months after getting hit with Covid



Arm circles, Abe vigoda,

Arm circles with kicks

Air squats, slow count

Lunge walk in place slow count

Hamstring quad stretch, variation balance by slowly raising R arm forward, then L leg up. Stretch with arm and leg going in opposite direction while keeping Left fingers touching R toes. Hold, then repeat other side

Downward facing dog, R leg up, bring R knee in to L elbow, repeat other side.

Upward facing dog

Inch work merkin 10 count (5- down, 6-up)

Manmakers slow 8 count ic

*MASH Unit – Twilight, Hotbox and Impossible Burger took off in their bikes at manmakers.

The Thang



Thang 1

Used the Church Parking, marked each 25 yard line up to 100 yards for


Quarter pounder

Pax runs to

25 yards – do 25 burpees, run to

50 yards – do 50 Bonnie Blaires, run to

75 yards – do 75 Air squats, run to

100 yards – do 100 SSH

Run backwards to 0 yard

Rinse and repeat as much time allows.

Most Pax completed 1x repeat.

Some Pax almost completed 1x repeat.



American Hammer 40xIC

Merkin Ring of Fire  each pax complete 5 merkins while other hold plank



Circle of Trust

Thankful for the Pax that were able to join this morning. Most know I had Covid and recovered. I thank God for that – but most thankful that before I got sick my cousin in New Jersey had it and my sister, not living with me, had it too. My cousin had serious symptoms, he was on ventilator, dialysis and had stroke due to the blood clots forming in his body fighting Covid. He got so weak that he admitted, after recovery, that he wished, (maybe thought), he would die. By God’s Grace he survived. My sister also had serious symptoms  and recovered. For both their good health, I’m thankful.

While sick with Covid, I realized I was facing possible death. At that point my outlook has shifted. I realized nothing of this world is important – that all I want is to be able to spend more time with my family, with my granddaughter. There is something life changing in a man facing the potential end of his mortality. I realized what are important. And it wasn’t the material possessions I have been working for all my life. Now, I am not a changed man by any means after I recovered. Life continues to be a struggle. Except now my struggle is obeying God’s will and following the teachings of Jesus.

One thing I had after recovery was a grateful heart. I am thankful of all the things I have.


Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing each of us out here this beautiful morning to suffer, to love, to laugh.

In your Name we pray..

Naked Man Moleskin

Naming FNG -Greg, 28, invited by CVS. Admitted he’s nervous standing in the circle. He works at the deli section at Mariano’s. Someone yelled ‘thin slice’. Greg reacted, “…no,no don’t call me thin slice. I don’t like it”.  Then Thin Slice it is.


Shared this poem to the Pax

Be Thankful

The mess to clean up after a party because it means I am surrounded by friends…       The taxes I pay because it means I am employed… The clothes that fit a little snug because it means I

have food to eat… A lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home…

All the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have freedom of speech…

The space I find at the end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking… My huge heating bill because it means I am warm…

The lady behind me at church that sings off-key because it means I can hear… The piles of laundry because it means I have clothes to wear…

Weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means I have been productive… The alarm that goes off in the early hours of the morning because it means I am alive…

(Author Unknown)

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