11/05/2020 - Holy Hill -

AO: Holy Hill

When: 11/05/2020


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Bartles & Jaymes, Dilly Dilly, Ebeneezer, Lewinsky, Sonny Bono, Thomas Tank Engine, TPS Report,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: 0

QIC: Wine in A Box


Scouted Holy Hill yesterday, as it was my first time visiting this AO. Cool hill bro . . . we wont be using it.

The pressure was on as the grande dame . . . TPS reports was going to attend. I had knots in my stomach all night and couldnt sleep. “What if TPS doesnt like my Q? What if he doesnt think it was hard enough? How can I possibly try to impress the intractable and inscrutable TPS reports? I mean . . . I cant read his facial expressions since he had a gaiter permanently attached surgically to his face in January . . .  how will I know if he liked it?? Should I ask Dilly Dilly to pass him a note in class???”

So many questions . . . but no answers.

With the only person that attended one of my power Qs Ebeneezer . . . it was time to bring the pain to the west side.


10 SSH

10 Abe Vigodas

10 Grady Corns

10 Good mornings

Mosey to the median

The Thang


Partner up for a blood pumping DORA. “Catch your partner”

Partner 1. Run around marked area carrying a 25 pound sandbag.

Partner 2. Walk the same marked area doing the following exercises. When the sandbag partner “catches” you, switch. Straightaway is the distance for each exercise, then walk the “curves”

  • Walking lunges
  • Shoulder press
  • farmers carry (heel to toe, switch hands every 10th step)
  • hand release squats
  • curls
  • Rifle Carry



Powerlifting stations of fun!

Each station is done AMRAP style. The “timer” is how fast the PAX that is running an extended lap.

1- “Sit down” Squats on coupon

2- Double coupon shrugs

3- “Dark Tower” vertical coupon bench press

4- Single arm coupon rows

5- Runner

6- 50 pound sandbag curls

7- Sandbag push press for distance

8- Coupon Lat pullovers

9- Skull crushers

10- Double coupon rows

11- “Peter Parker” merkins

12- Sandbag power cleans


Mary? Do mary on your own time . . .

Circle of Trust

CoT today was about challenging yourself. Challenge yourself my picking up extra Qs (but dont do four in a row like me after OCR . .  . thats just dumb). Challenge yourself by stepping outside your normal routine and experience other things, like other AOs, regions, etc. Challenge yourself by not avoiding pain, but embracing it to make you stronger. We say “Iron sharpens iron” . . .  but you need to get the iron in the fire first. All of you here today are challenging yourself to get better one day at a time, one rep at a time, one mile at a time . . . etc. I challenge you to keep challenging yourself, but also reach out to other PAX that you havent seen in awhile. See what you can do to challenge them and help get them back In The Gloom.

We are opening roughly 37 new days for morning workouts encompassing 7 new AOs, introducing trapeeze Thursdays, Pole dancing Mondays, Cartwheel Fridays and Somersault Saturdays . .  . . ( I kid) but none of these can be viable without attendance. So sign up to Q . . and ill keep looking for yall ITG.


Naked Man Moleskin

Another fun stop on my four days of Qs. The only two people here that have been to one of my Qs are Ebeneezer . . . (who was clutch in loaning me 4 extra coupons for the heavy double coupon lifts) and Bartles and Jaymes . Strictly because I didnt want to have Ebeneezer do these twice in a week, I eliminated the MLK “Dr King” murder lion kings from Thang one. I am a nice guy.

Lewinsky, Sonny Bono, Thomas, Dilly Dilly . . . thank you for attending one of my Qs! I hope you werent disappointed that we didnt run hills today.

Bartles- Always a pleasure, and see ya tomorrow for Ruck club!!!

TPS- I hope you werent disappointed. Did you like the workout? Did you LIKE it, like it? Im on pins and needles over here seeking your approval and validation!!!!! 😉

Ebeneezer- Appreciate you making the multi-county drive with me today!

Despite my mantra of “If you want to run, go to a run club” . .  we still logged a little over 2 miles. The DORA “catch your partner” really added up.

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