11/09/2020 - The Colosseum -

AO: The Colosseum

When: 11/09/2020


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Den Mother, Happy Camper, Ozark, Short Sale,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Ozark


Belatedly decided to grab a Q for the 40th anniversary of my arrival on this ball of rock and water whirling through space, and I’d been meaning to hit the Colosseum for a run club–two birds one stone. Night before I felt like a run, so getting some distance it would be.


This is run club and both the morning and the pax seemed pretty warm to begin with, so we knocked out some tappy taps and abe vigodas followed by a mosey around the lot with some high knees and carioca thrown in for good measure.

The Thang

This is run club, so running it would be, but it also pays to get faster, so we made it a fartlek. Pax were instructed to find three stretches of the out and three stretches of the back to kick their pace up to between 80 and 90% of a sprint–the key was to run fast enough to make maintaining the pace distinctly unpleasant.

Circle of Trust

So I turned 40 today. Looking back on the last two score years there have been some easy stretches and some hard ones. The one thing that has always been the difference between good outcomes and ho hum or even bad ones is getting up and putting in the work. Some days are hard, and maybe not as much gets accomplished as you had hoped. Other days might seem easy and everything you set out to do is accomplished with ease. The key is chipping away at what needs to be done everyday, taking your lumps when they come and getting up the next day and picking up where you left off.

A further lesson that occurs to YHC as I compose this in writing is that the hard days where nothing seems to be going right or I’ve worried that I’ve bitten off more than I can chew have led to far better outcomes than the days where I’ve set myself a bunch of tasks that I’ve been able to cruise through with ease. Hard days aren’t fun, but the rewards are much better.

Go out and do what you can, do what you need to do, and do the hard things. Do some good.

Naked Man Moleskin

We were sorry to see Gopher taken out pre-warm-o-rama by his angry bowels and the sudden closure of the Colosseum bathroom–hope that went well….

We learned that trains sometimes show up on the route to the old Colosseum in Settlers park, but there’s a good bypass on Countryman if you get caught on the Colosseum side of the tracks.

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