08/10/2020 - The Ridge - 5 corners?

AO: The Ridge

When: 08/10/2020


Number of Pax: 24

Pax Names: 5-Putt, Bailout, Breakaway, Caveman, Den Mother, Gopher, Hackman, Hanger, Jimmy Neutron, joe dirt, Penalty Box, Sheldon, Shooter McGavin, Skinner, Vern, Woody,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: Several names (not FNG's) but not in data base

QIC: blowout


It was 72 degrees with overcast skies and 98% humidity. 24 total PAX, with a few Fartsacks. Mumble chatter was overheard that one of the PAX showed up, but had some serious stomach issues including sweats, and indicated he needed to go find a bathroom to move the bowels quickly. He left and didn’t return. We will not speak his name here for the record, but hope you are O.K. brother!


We started off with a fast mosey with the coupons. PAX were already Mumble Chatting as we moved our way around parking lot and stopped for our first exercise:

Good Mornings X 12 IC

More fast mosey with coupons around the parking lot and a stop for a couple more exercises:

SSH x 25 IC

Hillbillies X 15 IC

Final mosey to drop off coupons at the only pain station that had a coupon exercise then quick mosey over to the new Tennis Courts for explanation of the THANG.

The Thang

Due to large number of PAX we split up into 3 groups for the THANG:

4 Corners plus The chain link fence area by the Tennis Courts or 5 Corners.

The thought process was to create a workout that would be challenging, but also work for varying fitness levels. Since the Ridge has experienced so much growth, there is a wide variance of fitness levels and trying to account for all those fitness levels and still make the workout challenging takes some effort. So… the 5 corners (stations) of pain works to create a continuous circuit that advanced PAX can make it through multiple times, while those still building up their fitness levels can still make it through, but less times. The benefit is that there really is no 6 to speak of, just some that complete the circuit more times.

All 5 areas consisted of 50 rep counts or combinations of 50 reps:

1st station – 50 kneeling curls (kneeling to produce better form) Then run down parking lot lane to station 2

2nd Station – 25 burpees / 25 Big Boy Sit ups = total of 50 reps then Bear Crawl over to the next lane for Station 3

3rd Station – 50 Lunge walks – 25 out and 25 back then run down lane to station 4

4th Station – 50 Squat Jacks (Smurf Jacks) then run over to Tennis Courts for Station 5

5th Station – Wall routine – Balls to the Wall 10 Shoulder Taps, down in plank for 10 Merkins, repeat 4 times for a total of 5 sets each or 50 Shoulder taps and 50 merkins… lot’s of suck

Rinse and repeat as many times as possible. Most PAX were able to complete 2 full circuits or more.

Circle of Trust

We always hear that phrase “It’s always a Race” and often hear that “you should always be chasing someone in front of you”. I don’t want to challenge or disagree with those thoughts in anyway, but rather just provide a different perspective:

Each morning when you wake up, make it a point to challenge yourself… to become a better version of you then you were the day before. Become better at Fitness and health, become better at your relationships (M, 2.0’s, friends) and become better in accelerating your faith.

Sometimes it’s not about chasing the person in front of you, but rather competing against yourself!

Naked Man Moleskin

It was encouraging to hear PAX say that this was tough one, but a good one. There are a lot of great men coming out that are still in the early stages of acclimating to the F3 culture. It is awesome to see men getting after it and wanting to push themselves. As I approach the end of my first complete year in F3, I am so thankful for the OG and veteran group of men who have helped me, encouraged me and pushed me to be better. I am also thankful for the handful of men that I met late last August at the Ridge who began this journey together, and who are still getting after it! You know who you are and I am so very thankful for you brothers!

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