06/06/2020 - The Outpost - 6/6 Early OP

AO: The Outpost

When: 06/06/2020


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Bozo, Dilly Dilly, Handy Manny, Tonka, Woodwind,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: n/a

QIC: Tonka


Sun was rising and so was the humidity. Time to get a good early morning sweat in.


Neck roll left X10

Neck rolls right x10

Sshx20 IC

Tappy taps x15 IC

Mosey parking lot

The Thang

Thang 1-Ladder up/down-1 lap around parking lot between each sequence m.

10 Modified Blockee

20 back shrugs

30 Merkin

40 1 arm bent over row (20 each arm)

50 air Squats


Thang 2-Race to the cone

With coupon lung x4 (each leg 1/2)

Thrusters x10

Overhead skull crusher x10

Throw coupon

Broad jump coupon

   -make it to or past coupon sprint to cone and mosey back.

   -don’t make it bear crawl to cone and sprint back

Make way to the cone. 1st one there chooses Mary. 


Option 1 Manny Pacquiao ab workout

Option 2 LBC x40 Ic, flutter kicks x40 IC, Heel Touches x40 IC, dying cockroach x20 IC, resurrection cockroach x20 IC, random stretching.

Option 2 was chosen.

Circle of Trust

Look within.

I was scheduled to Q this past Monday at Citadel. A portion of the below was written for that Q; however due to the Aurora curfew I never shared. Before I get into that I want to share Thang 2 was stolen and modified from Smokey’s Q at DT this week. Smokey encourages mumble chat and even though I HC’d for Dilly Dilly’s Q at Holly Hill I needed to show my support for Smokey and our other officers and first responders. Thank you guys for leading from the front and protecting all of us including those who’s voices need to be heard.

We have 2 other couples that we are close with and have been close with for quite some time. The absolute coolest thing is all couples have 2 biological kids and all 6 are multiracial. It’s been apart of our group from the beginning so it just us. It wasn’t until this past weekend that one of my friends kids was holding up a “My life matters” that I realized his life experiences will most likely be different than my kids. Just that image tore me up and brought George Floyd’s murder in Minneapolis close to home. You see MJ and his sister are black.

What can I do? I spent the last week self reflecting and realized there are changes I can make to help. There are also changes that I need to make internally. Fighting predetermined stereotypes, if jokes/comments are shared in a group that are prejudice in nature standing up to them instead of being a bobble head just to name a few. After the protest stop and the news settles down it will be easy to fall back into the normal way of life. I can no longer settle into that normal and need to focus on continued improvements on race relations for myself, my family and all around me especially MJ and his sister Maddie.

Naked Man Moleskin

YHC needs to write these right after the post as I forgot who won our Thang 2 competition.

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