08/06/2020 - Virtuosity - 7, 7-11, 7

AO: Virtuosity

When: 08/06/2020


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Backdraft, Backstage, Bean Counter, Blueprints, Buggs Bunny, Den Mother, Hanger, Mr. Hankey, Ozark, Singlet, Tonka,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: Tonka


Driving up to WI YHC was listening to some old school rap. This bright the influence to today’s workout.

Logging on was an issue last time, so got on 7minutes early to check the connection. Bro Garage and the Ozark Dungeon we’re open for business. Had to iron out some technicalities prior to go by clearing the cache and internet setting. Real top level IT shizzz. Blame this one on Bean Counters obsession with Candy Crush and Backdrafts borderline TikTok addiction. Cleared it up at 5:14:60 and we were off.


Warm up- Extra important for YHC as I was in long sleeves/pants due to 52ish degree north of the border.


High knees-7 IC

Butt Kickers-7IC

Imperial Walkers-11 IC

30 second mosey out and 30 sec mosey back


The Thang

7 11s-the goal to keep the PAX in front of the screen to keep the feeling of togetherness. However needed to burn some calories due to cheese curd intake. All were goals were accomplished.

Round 1-7 curls 10 merkins/1 Bobby Hurleys-7 Curls…

Round 2-7 Skull crusher-10 Bonnie Blair’s (each leg 1/2)-1 Coupon Swings-7 skull crushers…

Round 3-7 burpees-10 overhead press/1 Romanian Deadlift-7 Burpees …


American Hammer -25 IC Throw in some Nala special cadence ridiculousness.


E2K right 11 IC

E2k Left 11 IC

Flutter kicks-11 IC

American Hammer (if we don’t get to)-25 IC

Plank to 6

Circle of Trust

I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was. -Muhammad Ali

What does this quote say to you. Ali was cocky? Maybe. But I believe what it is conveying is a mindset. Ali was the greatest not because he said he was but because he put that vision into play. Worked his ass off to get there and maintain it.

What is your mindset telling you right now? Is it controlling you or are you controlling it? I would love to tell you that I am like Ali but I’m not. I let my mind take control over me instead of my soul telling it what we are going to do. Homework for all of us, find sometime over the next couple of days to think, pray or mediate on your current mindset and start taking control.

Naked Man Moleskin

It’s great to see some of the PAX that YHC posted with during the early phase of COVID. This is a great AO for us that travel for a living and helps keep 1st and 2nd F alive when we are not close enough to post DR.

Singlet and Hangar killed it today

Bro Garage is alive and well. However we need to set up a fund for Grandpa who needs an alarm clock and/or a map to Backstages crib. He missed COT by 36 seconds or he would have been able to count this as an official post.

with that Tonka…Over and Out!

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