03/27/2021 - Iron Lion - 80s music theme beatdown at Iron Lion- Pavilion style

AO: Iron Lion

When: 03/27/2021


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Backdraft, Bootlegger, Ebeneezer, Flush, Glenn, Magellan, Nala, Riunite, Sulley, Sun Devil, Thumb Drive,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Wine in A Box


Originally there was rain in the forecast, and I dislike doing exercises in mud. I mean why? Why do that? jeez.

So I did a Pavilion based beatdown. But Ive been thinking about how I can shake out of some stagnation and try something new. So I loaded my car with paver bricks (just over 5.5 pounds per brick) and put together something different.

This was all new PAX this morning than on Friday, so a couple exercises were the same. SO WHAT. DONT JUDGE ME.

I underestimated how long it took to load the car . . . so I was coming in hot.




NOTE- I may have had too much caffeine this morning.


Im not even going to write this. If you dont know my warm up by now then you havent been to one of my Qs.

And if you havent, then shame on you. WTF. I thought we were all friends guys. This is hurtful.


Except I added a small mosey to warm up. Because if you want to run then go to a run club (and I was Qing the run club after and that is QUITE enough running for me . . .  thank you very much)

The Thang

Grab yer coupons and get 2 pavers out of my car . . . then go to the pavilion


20 Step ups on picnic table with coupon. 10 per leg

20 merkins, while holding bricks . . . and doing two shoulder taps per rep. (difficulty level was high . .)

20 “Feet in coupon” Big boy sit ups  . .  while holding bricks . . . and doing two punches while twisting torso per rep

While waiting for the 6 after each circuit, we did a mixture of Al Gores, Planks, and Iron Cross holds with bricks

Do this Circuit THREE TIMES


Pistol Squats while holding bricks. Sun Devil is really good at these. Most of us were not.

One arm “Knee on bench” Coupon rows, penny pincher style

“Good mornings” while holding bricks to your chest

First set was 20 reps (10 for each side if an isolation exercise), Then 16 reps (8) Then 10 (5)

  • Why? Because we were already running short on time.


8 count “shoulder blasters”

  • While holding bricks and sitting on bench, do the following in cadence for an eight count. Right arm front raise, right arm side raise, left arm front raise, left arm side raise


  • While holding bricks, start with left foot slightly forward. Do the following sequence in cadence, for a 4 count. Left jab, right cross, left uppercut, back to rest.
  • After 15 reps, switch to right leg forward, Right jab, left cross, right uppercut


  • While holding bricks at shoulder level, do the following in four count cadence. Left arm, right arm,. left arm, right arm.
  • Bellowing CHAZZ at the top of your lungs was optional
  • 15 reps

Rear delt flys

  • Put your forehead on the picnic table, and bend at the waist. While holding bricks, straighten your arms, and lift as far to the sides as possible, while squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • 15 reps

After a set, do a quick mosey around the circle, shaking your arms to flush out the lactic acid buildup in arms and shoulders

Then do another shoulder circuit.

Running super short on time now and I had a bunch more stuff to get to, so do a quick set of 20 incline flys with bricks while seated on the picnic bench and leading back so your torso is at a 45 degree angle.



Circle of Trust

CoT was about variety. One of the greatest things about F-3 is the peer led aspect. As Q, you are “freed to lead” and put together a workout for your fellow PAX. There is pressure with this, and its easy to fall into ruts and stagnate. So instead of constantly seeing how big and heavy coupons are available for sale and doing big muscle presses . . .  I went the opposite direction and went smaller, but at a higher intensity and higher reps. The variety of workouts are what keep me coming back, and an aspect that cant be overlooked. I urge everyone here to break out of their stagnation and try a new AO (thats right Sulley . . . Im looking at you) and meet new PAX. Comb through lexicon for new exercises that can challenge yourself and others. Embrace the variety we have as an organization and experience something you havent before.

Naked Man Moleskin

Ebeneezer. You magnificent degenerate you. Trying to screw up cadence while doing complicated movements was sooooooo funny. Almost as funny as you trying to say “good morning” in different languages for every . . . single . . . rep of Good Mornings. Sigh.

Sulley- as discussed at Coffeeteria later, those long arms of yours make some of these really hard. You cant just do pulse half reps like some PAX . . . but you keep on killing it brother. Your attendance streak is beyond impressive . . . but lets hit someplace different on Fridays together  😉

Flush- It seems like we rarely post together anymore, because we are at different AOs or we both are Qing. Great to see you this morning . . . and I wasnt the last one in this morning . . . SO THERE. PS- amazing job with getting The Bear up and running, and im looking forward to Qing there.

Riunite- My brotha from another motha. The picture of you with your son and the Loveabulls isnt you anymore. That guy doesnt exist. In his place is a lean mean fightin machine that has embraced F-3 with a vengeance.

Bootlegger- We really need to catch up and talk beverage sales soon. But your dedication since starting is inspiring . .  this stuff sure aint easy, but you are making it look easy.

Backdraft- So you are the reason I am in F-3. I cant thank you enough for EHing me and getting me out ITG. F-3 was the lifeline I needed to cope with a shitty divorce, and for that I owe you a debt that cant ever be repaid.

Thumbdrive- Great to have you ITG today! I love when PAX outside of the normal Iron Lion crew are here, and we can spread the gospel of IL far and wide . . . (have you heard of our Lord and Savior of Iron Lion? Babyhands?)

Nala- I know it was a long drive for you, and I greatly greatly appreciate it. You made the drive because I am borrowing a plumbers snake. That is true HIM behavior . . .  thank you!!!!

Sun Devil- The king of 75hard is making everything I throw at him look easy. Pistol squats? Done with ease. Shoulder blasters? pffft . . . easy peasy. I cant wait to set up some football Qs with you soon my friend.

Glenn- I havent posted with you a lot, but looking forward to many more. You are a very fast runner, and I low key kinda hate/envy you for it. Great seeing you this morning!

Magellan- Man . . we need to post more together. I always enjoy seeing you ITG, and I guess that means I better take my own damn advice and drive down to the Complex more often!

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