12/01/2020 - The Complex - A Winter Wonderland full of Oh Christmas Trees, Santa’s Dark Wood, and Reindeer Down-Ups…

AO: The Complex

When: 12/01/2020


Number of Pax: 21

Pax Names: Ann Arbor, Baby Hands, Bongo, Caboose, Cobra Kai (Giggles 2.0), Crabgrass, Dr. Ralph, Flush, Giggles, Magellan, Mom's Group, Nair, Onions, Powderpuff, Tang, Tonka, Waterfall, Wet Wipe,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Blues Clues


Lots of surprises in today’s Winter Wonderland…


Arm Circles


5 Burpees and go…

The Thang

Thang #1 “Oh Christmas Trees”

PAX left warmarama straight into a run under a series of giant evergreens on West side of parking lot.

After winding their way around each trunk, PAX jumped off the rock at the end, balance=beamed their way over the ledge behind the ball field and hit a quick bleacher stair circuit with Merkins to the six. This was followed by a run to the paved trail for our first stop:

  • Group of 1: 100 Yard Dutch Skate before we hit the woods.

Thang #2 “Santa’s Dark Wood”

PAX left the paved trail and to the actual dirt trail, into the dark wood where most had to rely on moonlight to navigate their way around each turn. Raised roots took out a few PAX, sent some down to the ground including the Q during EC Q Site Prep. After about .5 miles into the wood, we hit a small clearing, PAX ran toward the river bank, under an elevated log Predator style and to our next stop.

  • Groups of 2: 50 Log Hoppers x 50 Air Squats x 2 (Rotate)

PAX came back up the river bank, under the elevated log Predator style to our third stop.

  • Groups of 3: Merkin Station x Log Curl Station (Using Medium Sized Logs) x Long Log Crawl Station in the Deep Woods x 1 (Rotate)

PAX finished each rotation, hit some thorn bushes and other uncomfortable things ITG and ran back for our 4th stop near the entry to the woods.

  • Group of 1: Rockette Dips to the six.

Thang #3 “Up on the Rooftop, Reindeer Down-Ups”

PAX ran their way back to the parking lot the same way they came in for the final stop.

  • Group of 1 (Circled Up): Feet chopping, running in place: Down-Ups (3 minutes on Q’s down call)

5:55am we hit Mary with some Captain Thor’s and 360 Degree Plank Wheels.




Circle of Trust

Story Time…

One year ago today I was driving back from the Morton Arboretum holiday lights with my daughter who was almost 3 at the time. Was just her and I in the car, having fun, acting goofy, singing Christmas Carols. We were having a great time and on our way back home to see my wife at the time.

It was pretty bad weather and my life was about to change on this trip home.

While we got home safe it was coming home and pulling into the driveway that would change my life forever. See my wife had moved out all of her stuff while we were gone and was standing in the driveway ready to take the final thing…our daughter. We had been on our way to separation and divorce but even though it was a known thing, I had no idea it was going to happen on Dec 1st, 2019 and not like this…I’ll just never forget the look on my daughter’s face when my wife at the time pulled her away and took her into her car to leave.

That look of confusion and disruption on a 2.5 year hold…I’ll never forget. She knew in that moment, something was not right. This was one of the most helpless feelings in my life. And she was gone to go with her mom to her grandparents house and has been there ever since, to this day.

I share this with the PAX not to talk bad about anyone or anything but more to share how life can disrupt us in many unexpected ways. On top, I share this to emphasize how important our time is and what we do with it as it does NOT last forever. We all know this and have our own versions of this story.

I was a happily married man. Never wanted a divorce. Worked on making changes, went to marriage counseling, etc. Yet then it happened. This major disruption that would limit my time with my daughter forever ahead.

What’s crazy is 3 days later I checked into rehab.

Some of you have to…you might have heard of it…F3? 🙂 That’s right. I knew about F3 but had never gone yet I knew I need to GET RIGHT and rehabilitate myself ASAP. So I hit the OP on Dec 4th, 2019 and F3 became my rehab for the better. In a sense I disrupted myself with the goal of doing it, for the better. I’m so grateful for this and what F3 means.

Much of today’s workout was about disruption. The trees, the rock, the ledges, the bleachers, the skating on pavement, the raised roots, the dark wood, all the logs from the elevated to fallen to awkward lifts, etc. It was all about disruption. Because disruption is what HIM’s work through.

Gentlemen, I share a quote from my dad who said, “Ken I don’t want to fully know God, I just want to him better.” 

No matter what disruption is thrown your way, you still have a chance to make it better. This is the life of a high impact man. I may never really know the life of a high impact man but, I do want to know that life better.

Thanks for coming out and dealing with any disruption in your life as a true HIM.



Naked Man Moleskin

INJURY REPORT? Magellan nailed head on evergreen limb, WetWipe rolled ankle on raised root, Q fell on face and off ledge through the gloom, who else?

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