11/11/2020 - Virtuosity - BackBlast for 11/11/2020 VIrtuositiy

AO: Virtuosity

When: 11/11/2020


Number of Pax: 18

Pax Names: Backdraft, Backstage, Backstreet, Bean Counter, Cannoli, Chun Li, Hanger, Happy Meal, Ozark, Rand McNally, Small Cakes, Sparkles, Trickle, Wet Wipe,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: Toby, Bill Pierce, Disco Ball, fsmith

QIC: Happy Meal


Virtuosity 11/11/2020.

Join me for my first bootcamp Q and my first Virtuosity Q.

Tomorrow being Veterans Day, we are going to do bootcamp like those who have served.  I’m taking pages right out of the Army’s basic training playbook.  However, I will not be yelling at you like a drill sergeant!

Join me at 5:15 from the comfort of your own Garage?  HC below.  Have coupons handy.


Overhead Arm pull

Runners lunge

Up dog, down dog

Single leg over

The Thang

We did multiple exercises out of the Army’s training for basic training pamphlet.  Between each one, we did a specific set of exercises.  The set we kept coming back to were:

20 “push ups” ( Backstage pointed out that these are also known as Merkins.  Multiple times).  Then move into 20 “sit ups” (Backstage pointed out that these are also known as Big Boys.  Multiple times).  Then move into 20 bent over rows.  These were in place of pull ups, since we were doing virtuosity.  Then, in place of a 200 m run, we did cardio for about a minute.  For the first three sets we did “jumping jacks” (Backstage corrected).  Next three sets we did Rocky Balboas.  Last 3 sets we did mountain climbers.

The “Army exercises” that we did in between each round of the main thang were as follows, 20 of each:

Squat and high jump (Bobby Hurleys)

Rear lunges


Prone Row

Forward lunges

curls (30 of these)

Squats with coupons


Bent leg body twists/Plank/side plank on each side/more big boys for Mary.


Circle of Trust

Veterans Day today.  I’m guessing everyone knows someone who has served or is serving in the armed forces.  Today is about them, so make sure to call them and thank them for their service.  Prayers to Wet Wipe’s father in law, who is in hospice.  Finish with Our Father.

Naked Man Moleskin

Timing was a little off today. I think instead of doing a specific number of sets, next time I would do AMRAPs.  That way no one felt like they were being left behind, and no one was standing around waiting for others to finish.  Tried to keep everyone moving the entire time.  But thanks to everyone that showed up, especially those that were out of town/on vacation.  At one point, I looked up and saw a couple guys on a beach with palm trees in the background, while another was using a hotel safe as his coupon, while someone else was using a suitcase!  That is awesome!  And a special thanks to Ozark for having my 6.  Your photog skills are always appreciated!

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