05/25/2021 - Virtuosity - Bear Crawl Corners

AO: Virtuosity

When: 05/25/2021


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Backdraft, Bean Counter, Flush, Magellan,

DR Names: N/A

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: Flush


-Disclaimer: F3 is #1 FREE, #2 open to all men, #3 peer-led in a rotating fashion, #4 held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold, and #5 we always end in a circle of trust.  I am not a professional. I am not aware of any injuries you may have – MODIFY as necessary – push yourself, but do not hurt yourself. The creedo of F3 is, “Leave no man behind, leave no man where you found him.”


Annie – This exercise instructs pax on the art of clean floors, be warned some pax may break out in song and dance. Hold plank and rotate one arm in a circular motion while holding plank with the opposite arm. Q makes the call on time or repetitions. IC 1, 2, 3 → 1 (just one hand). Rep count to 20.

Arm Circles IC to 15

Arm Circles Reverse IC to 15

Imperial Walkers IC (to 15)

Neck Rolls (to the left first, 5 rotations, then the right)

Calf Stretch in Downward Dog position

Quad Stretch

Hamstring Stretch

The Thang

Thang 1 – Arms Four Corners – Hold Plank for the 6 at each Corner

Coupon Curls x 30

Bear Crawl out to 7 (4 count cadence) and back 7 (4 count cadence)


Coupon Curls x 30

Chest Press with Coupon x 30

Bear Crawl out to 7 (4 count cadence) and back 7 (4 count cadence)


Coupon Curls x 30

Chest Press with Coupon x 30

Bent Rows with Coupon x 30

Bear Crawl out to 7 (4 count cadence) and back 7 (4 count cadence)


Coupon Curls x 30

Chest Press with Coupon x 30

Bent Rows with Coupon x 30

Overhead Press with Coupon x 30

Bear Crawl out to 7 (4 count cadence) and back 7 (4 count cadence)


Thang 2

Each PAX uses their coupon, 3 rounds of the following:

20 Derkins

20 Air Squats

20 Irkins

20 Leg Lifts

20 Dips

20 Step-ups (each up and down is one).


Thang 3

Shoulder Tap Merkin Variation: 1 Rep = Plank, Merkin, Right Shoulder Tap, Merkin, Left Shoulder Tap, Merkin. 10 Reps. 10 Count Cadence: Merkin = 1,2; Right Shoulder Tap = 3,4; Merkin = 5,6; Left Shoulder Tap = 7,8; Merkin = 9, 10. 5 count.



-Alphabet with Legs

-Wall Sit for 45 seconds, 30 second rest, wall sit again for 30 seconds, 15 second rest, wall sit last time for 20 seconds.

Finished at 0600.

Circle of Trust

Talked with the PAX about the importance of Virtuosity and the option that it provides to HIMs that can’t make it out in the Gloom. I’ll be honest. I hadn’t done virtuals for quite some time and had gotten to thinking it can’t possibly be as good a workout as in the Gloom. I was wrong. This was a doozy of a Q, I was completely drenched in sweat, I had forgotten that there were still ways to push the PAX, even if only digital. With vacation season coming up – I encourage all of you to consider trying Virtuosity as a way to keep your conditioning going AND to connect with these awesome brothers that keep it going!

Naked Man Moleskin


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