03/26/2020 - Virtuosity - Best day of the year

AO: Virtuosity

When: 03/26/2020


Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names: Baby Hands, Cousin Eddie, Dilly Dilly, Ebeneezer, Goldberg, Joliet Jake, Magellan, Moonlight, Nacho Libre, Rainman, Ronda Rousey, Sputnik, Townie,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: Fredo

QIC: Hot Box


March 26, 2020 Virtual Q – Wildcard!

Join me in the gloom for what would have been my AOVQ at the complex.  Now, we adjust to our current situation and get after it regardless. I’ll be out there at 5:15, and so should you! I’ll post the workout in this thread later today.

Coupon required.

Best day of the year workout is as follows:

Welcome to F3
I am not a professional
I do not know your injuries so modify as you see fit, but push yourself.

I miss each and every one of your ugly faces!!  And hope you and your families are healthy and well.

Time to work


Warm up

Motivators from 7
High knees IC to 15
Butt kickers IC to 15
Walking Merkins – plank position, move 2 paces to your right, do a merkin, 2 paces to your left, do a merkin, etc.  to 15
Arm circles forward/backward – both IC to 15

The Thang

Today, 40 is the number. Each exercise will have 40 reps or combine with another exercise to equal 40.

Complete each Thang once and then return to the top and start over again. This is not a race. Form over speed.  Slow, deliberate movements.  Use your full range of motion where it applies.  If you feel anything like me, then we need to push out that lactic acid.

Thang 1:

Burpee – 20 – 6 count
Overhead clap – 20

Ranger merkins – 20
Derkins on coupon -20

Big boy sit up – 20
One arm get ups – 20 – on your 6, get to a standing position only using one arm/hand to help you stand up. Switch arms each rep.

100 yard out and back run (for a total of 200 yards) – Approx 10 houses – This is where you should be pushing it!

Thang 2:

Mendoza coupon toss – with coupon on end, grab with one hand, stand and toss coupon in the air and catch with opposite hand.  Basically playing catch with yourself. – 40 – each toss is 1
Coupon toe taps – 40 – each leg is 1/2
Overhead press – 40
Imperial Walkers – 40 – each leg is 1/2

100 yard out and back mosey (for a total of 200 yards) – Approx 10 houses – This is where you should be pushing it!

Thang 3

Chest press  – 40
Mountain Climbers – 40 each leg is 1/2
Side hops over coupon – 40 – each jump is 1
Bent over coupon rows

100 yard out and back mosey (for a total of 200 yards) – Approx 10 houses – This is where you should be pushing it!

Rinse and repeat

Continue running through each Thang until 5:55 (or 40 minutes into your workout) Then break for Mary.

Mary –
All IC to 40

Crunchy Frogs
Flutter kicks – arms straight out to your side
Scissors – one leg straight up, other leg straight out 6” off the ground.  Switch leg positions, each leg is 1.

Low plank till 6 AM

Don’t forget to stretch!

Circle of Trust

This was my first Virtual Q.  PAX completed the workout and then attempted a live chat on Instagram.  Like Nacho Libre said, this was the closest we’ve felt to normal in a while.  Was awesome to get after it knowing I wasn’t alone.  I think I speak for us all when I say I look forward to this time being over and we can all get back to normal.  However, times like these can be looked at as opportunities.  Opportunities to realize what is truly important.  Time to slow down.  Time to enjoy this ride called life!

Naked Man Moleskin

Much of life comes down to choice.  In any given situation we are in control of how we react.  We can choose to have a positive outlook, or not.  Whether it be an interaction with our wife, kids, a coworker, or if we get brought the wrong meal at a restaurant.  How we react in those situations is what defines us.  Do we choose to show grace, love or understanding?  This “social distancing” and “shutdown” is no different.  My choice is simple.  I will cherish this time with my family.  And I will choose to accelerate every aspect of my life that I can.  This too shall pass, are you going to say “I’m glad I did!” or “I wish I had.”?

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