10/17/2020 - The Outpost - Bozo Shoulder Massacre

AO: The Outpost

When: 10/17/2020


Number of Pax: 20

Pax Names: Baby Hands, Bozo, Curds, DJ Sump Pump, Elway, Goldberg, Handy Manny, Mayhem, Nair, Niners, Penalty Box, Snorkle, Sun Devil, Toadstool, Trailer Park, Wide Right, Woodwind,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Floss



@channel Early Outpost Preblast. 5:15 am
Me, you, Jack and Frank are going to recreate one of my favorites that didn’t get enough attention.  A  massacre. Not a ton of running though!!HC below.  NO COUPONS.  Bring glove


Dynamic Warm O Rama

Death By Burpees (Minute 1-10).

After you finished the burpees, jump into whatever stretch we were doing at the time.  Motivators, elbow circles, arm circles, squats, etc.

The Thang

Penalty work:  For the no-shows, the no HCers, and the SC’s.  Circle of SSH with PAX alternating the middle doing (3) yurpees.

Thang 1:

11’s at the playground:  Handstand wall touches and pull-ups.

Handstand wall touches:  Feet up high on the wall.  and you walk your hands out to the grass line, and walk them back and touch the wall.  Had to cut this a few rounds short due to time.

Thang 2:

Mosey to baseball fields:  From leftfield fence, handstand walk along the fence until you reach the dugout.  drop and go into crabwalk.  at the backstop, switch to bear crawl.  Reach the other dugout, crab walk, and then back up on the fence for handstand walks into right field.

Box jumps in the pavilion until the 6th comes in.

Mary: Shoulder touches, jump-ropes, planks.

Circle of Trust

I parroted some good advice I heard that week.

  1. Reach 5 Love Languages for Children (per Curds).  Learn to listen and understand what your children respond to and appreciate.
  2. Pay attention how you talk in front of your children.  They will grow-up to talk that way, or be talked to that way.

Naked Man Moleskin

I really wasn’t happy with this one at all.  I took a good Q and made it ugly (not in a good way).

My line of communication was 1-sided.  I wasn’t listening or responding to the feedback that the PAX were giving.  I was too hot, too loud, and I lived with that failure all weekend.

Personally, it was a great lesson for me and a very teachable moment.

As usual, the early outpost guys are solid workers, put their heads down, and plowed ahead.

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