05/18/2020 - Virtuosity - Burpee Town – 67

AO: Virtuosity

When: 05/18/2020


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Bean Counter, Bob Ross, Bongo, GOAT, Mr. Hankey, Pork Rinds, Townie, Twinning, Webelos, Wrong Turn,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: TPS Report


Launching VIRTUOSITY!!! 11 brave PAX joining the virtual gloom to kick things off. Humbled to lead such a diverse group of men. Of all who joined, I literally have only met 2 in person: BR and Pork Rinds. That. Is. Awesome.


Smooth entry into the high movement day. SSH. Imperial Walkers. Good Mornings. Then Grady Corns. Enough to get the blood running.

The Thang

Thang 1

15 Each
Big Boys
20 High Knees (L+R=1)

Repeat 5x.

Thang 2

67 burpees to honor BR’s 67th birthday coming up.

34 Flutter Kicks (4 count)

34 LBCs (4 count)

Hold Low Plank 1 minute

Circle of Trust

Count o Rama


Name o Rama


I have written, erased, re-written, and re-erased this CoT multiple times. I honestly can’t think of what to say. I looked it up this morning – this is the 67th workout I’ve lead. Maybe I’m just running out of things to say. Which is surprising to hear if you were ever to talk to my M.

I suppose its this. With the world seemingly out of control, LET GO. Sure, we could attempt to “Control what you can”, but even then I’ve found that to be frustrating because when that crap hits the fan, you’re exerting all this energy and telling yourself “you should be able to control this” – which leads to all kinds of misery and pain.

Truly, truly, truly, just admit to yourself that you don’t have control. Control belongs to the Creator, the one who truly can control the events of time and space. So rather than control, trust. Trust that God is in control. And when you start to feel like things are out of control, remember that the act of trust isn’t about control, it’s about faith.

You aren’t in control. At all. God is. AND HE’S ALREADY WON.

Naked Man Moleskin

I mentioned above that 8 of the PAX that joined this morning I’ve never met in person. But I can’t wait to see them in the gloom when it’s all safe again. Such a weird time for us right now… I really hope that the gloom posts and virtual posts don’t split us up much, and that those posting in the gloom join virtual every once in a while. Would be nice.

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