10/20/2021 - The Outpost - CHAD 1000x Prep

AO: The Outpost

When: 10/20/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Blueprints, Quarter Cart, Snoop-A-Loop, Snorkle, Sonny Bono, Stay Puft, Sweet Gherkins,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Snoop-a-Loop


This BC will include one of the recommended prep circuits for the CHAD 1000x, which two of F3N’s finest will lead on Nov. 11 (@Riunite) and Nov. 13 (@Flush).

If you’re not familiar with the Veteran’s Day hero work out in honor of Chad Wilkinson, some background info is below.

We will stay on pavement and mix in some upper body coupon work as well.

Bring: Coupon, Gloves

Optional: Rucksack (20-30#)

Background: https://chad1000x.com/


-Welcome + 5 principles
-Disclaimer + Description

-Abe Vigotas IC x10
-Hillbillies IC ~10
-Arm Circles ~10 Forward + 10 Backward
-Michael Phelps IC ~10
-Squats, On My Down ~ 15
-Blockees x 5 OYO
-Ruck on (optional) – head toward path

The Thang

Thang 1
Mosey toward path to pavilion by the basketball courts
-Mosey to lit cone 1, take ruck off
-2x through:
– 10 Lateral Lunges (5 each side IC)
– 10 Big Boys on my up
– 10 Flutter Kicks IC
-100 yard lunge walk to lit cone 1 & Bernie Sanders back to rucks (200 yards total)
-Ruck on – mosey to pavilion
-50 step-ups OYO (aiming for 15/min pace)
-Mosey back to lit cone 1, rucks off
-2x through:
– 10 Lateral Lunges (5 each side IC)
– 10 Big Boys on my up
– 10 Flutter Kicks IC
-Mosey back to lot / main pavilion

Thang 2
-10 min AMRAP step-ups with or without Rucks

Ring of Fire by Flags (with coupon)
-Coupon overhead – 5 overhead press
-Coupon 90 degrees – 5 curls
-Coupon overhead – 5 tricep extensions


Circle of Trust

This workout is a 1 of a 4-week prep circuit for the Chad 1000x, which is a new tribute workout honoring Chad Wilkinson, 20 year military veteran who took his own life on Oct 29, 2018. I’ll post more background about this on the Slack thread, but the 1000 weighted step-ups was a work out then Chad did to prepare for his deployments, which were typically into mountainous regions where hiking with a rucksack was required for hours each day.

Prior to this past 9/11, Riunite suggested we check out the Glorious Professionals podcast which is hosted by the founder of GoRuck and his wife, who were also military veterans. This week they posted interview with Emily Wilkinson, Chad‘s widow, and it was a very important discussion about signs and symptoms of depression that can lead to suicide.

One of the common trends is that people, specifically men, in this state tend to “suffer in silence.”

Connecting the dots, this past Monday here at Outpost, CVS lead a workout on the one-year anniversary of his son Angel who was stillborn. It was a very tough story to hear, and he shared about his experience putting on a brave face and not expressing how much he was hurting, because he thought it was best thing to do.

He shared that the F3 workouts and 2nd F fellowship has been a productive outlet for him to cope and heal, and it is one of many stories that really make me honored and proud to be involved with this group.

I know many of you have known this for quite some time, but use this group as an outlet, as a relief valve, as a source of inspiration whenever you need it.

Prayers for Appletini and Elway’s brothers.

Naked Man Moleskin

Although smaller in scale, this was a great sized group for this particular workout, especially with the PT that breaks up the Step-ups in Thangs 1 and 2.

My instructions into the exercise will need refinement, especially when doing both In Cadence and On My Up/Down. Got a little clunky at a few points.

There is a four-week training plan that can help you ‘maximize’ your CHAD 1000x experience here: https://content.goruck.com/site-content/chad/chad1000x-4week-training-plan.pdf

We did a slightly modified version of Week 1.

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