12/25/2020 - The Complex - Christmas Eve Nativity

AO: The Complex

When: 12/25/2020


Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names: Crop Duster, Flush, Giggles, Hard Hat, Long Story, Marla Hooch, Nair, Nest, Pizza the Hut, Putz, Shandy, Super 8, Tang, Webelos, Wet Wipe,

DR Names: N/A

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: Flush


Circle Up

-Disclaimer: F3 is FREE (#1), open to all men (#2), held outdoors rain or shine (#3), peer-led in a rotating fashion (#4), and always ends in a Circle of Trust (#5). I am not a professional. I am not aware of any injuries you may have – push yourself, but MODIFY as necessary. You are here of your own free will. The creedo of F3 is, “Leave no man behind, leave no man where you found him.”


Mosey a small loop around 1/2 of the parking lot

Arm Circles Forward IC (count to 10, get bigger after 5)

Arm Circles Backward IC (count to 10, get bigger after 5)

Stretch arms at shoulder, first left arm, then right arm

Quad Stretches – hold quad in place – count to 10 each leg

Hamstring Stretches (lean down and stretch with legs together)

Pigeon Stretch, first left leg, then right leg holding the position for each one for about 45 seconds total.

The Thang

Thang 1

“Three Wise Men”

Three 3-Part Exercises

Exercise 1: 

Regular Merkin, Wide-grip Merkin, Regular Merkin; all together counts as 1 rep.

10 Reps total.

Exercise 2:

Big Boy Sit-Up with a twist to the right as you near the top, Regular Big Boy Sit-Up, Big Boy Sit-Up with a twist to the left as you near the top; all together counts as 1 rep.

10 Reps total.

Exercise 3:

Seal Clap, Seal Jack, SSH; all together counts as 1 rep.

10 Reps total.

Repeat once more for a total of 2 rounds of the Three Wise Men. 180 total reps.

Thang 2

“Frankincense and Myrrh-pees”

Burpee Ladder

6 Cones spaced out between two light poles.

Mosey to first cone, 1 burpee; Mosey back to start, 1 burpee; Mosey to second cone, 2 burpees; Mosey back to start, 1 burpee; and so on getting in 6 burpees at the sixth cone, Mosey back to start, 1 burpee; and then work back down the ladder. A total of 47 burpees.

Thang 3

“Star of Wonder” 

Mosey to the hill with 2 cones, one at the top and one at the bottom. Everyone starts at the bottom, starts with Bear Crawl headed towards the cone at the top until Q calls “switch” and everyone flips around and Bear Crawls towards the cone at the bottom, and so on. Approximately 5 switches were called. 

Return to parking lot. Plank Ring of Fire for a 10 count for each PAX. Mix of plank exercises were called by each PAX.

“Bear In a Box” – Complete 1 Merkin, make 4 Bear Crawl paces to the right, another Merkin, 4 Bear Crawl paces to the back, another Merkin, 4 Bear Crawl paces to the left, another Merkin, 4 Bear Crawl paces forward. Repeat.

LBCs IC – count to 50.


“Away In A Manger”

On your 6.

Freddy Mercury’s IC – count to 25.

Assume plank position.

Shoulder taps IC – count to 20.

On your 6.

Flutter Kicks with arms overhead IC – count to 20.

Assume plank position.

Mountain Climbers IC – count to 20.

Hold full plank for the last full minute.

Circle of Trust

It’s a Wonderful Life – like many families we have a tradition of watching this classic Christmas movie with family every year – interesting premise of getting to see what the world around you would be like if you had never been born. Just a reminder to never underestimate the influence or impact we all have in our world around us and strong men leading our families, workplaces, and communities.

End in prayer.

Naked Man Moleskin


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