05/31/2021 - The Complex - Complex Run Club

AO: The Complex

When: 05/31/2021


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Bob Ross, Columbus, Glenn, Magellan, Poutine, Sam Walton, Skilling, Spork,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Turnpike

QIC: Sam Walton


Tomorrow marks two important causes that we need to remember. Memorial Day, when we honor those who we have lost while defending us. Also, the last day of Mental Health Awareness month, which not only affects millions of Americans but particularly many veterans and active duty military.

So before we head to our BBQs and enjoy the day off, come log some miles with me! Let’s clear our heads and remember these important causes.


5 Principles

Welcomed FNG Tim, C-Bus’ Dad!

Tappy Taps

Abe Vigodas

High Knees

The Thang

Out and Back to Whalon Lake.  Left the parking lot at 5:18, make the turn at 5:38. Be back by 5:58 for a couple minutes of Mary.

Finished up with 25 American Hammers (Memorial Day appropriate) and got a few Flutter Kicks in before time was called.

Circle of Trust

A couple weeks ago, I got the idea of doing a Q for Mental Health Awareness month. I saw on the Q sheet that today was open and I thought it was really fitting considering it was Memorial Day and mental health is something that many veterans and active duty military really struggle with.

Beyond that, it’s estimated that 26% (1 in 4) of people in the US have a diagnosable mental illness, many of which are undiagnosed. Mental Health Awareness month serves two main purposes. The first is being aware of things like that so we realize how many people around us are dealing with things we don’t talk about a lot. We could probably all go around and tell a story about a friend or family member who struggled with mental health and maybe how we feel we could have helped them more.

The second purpose is to help us all normalize talking about mental health. This is especially true for men who face a stigma about talking about mental health. Something I don’t talk about much is that I got diagnosed with anxiety a little over a year ago. I remember having a conversation with my doctor about it and he asked me what I like to do for fun. I told him I like to run. I am telling you the mans eyes lit up! He told me that running is the single best thing I can do to support mental health and that it was probably helping more than I ever realized.

We’ve all heard about running being good to help clear the mind. But it was eye opening talking to my doctor about it. You don’t have to be diagnosed with anything for running to have a big impact on mental health either. The next time you are thinking about whether you want to get up at 5:15 to work out, think about both the physical and mental benefits and how much you are helping yourself.

Naked Man Moleskin

I went back and forth in the days before this Q on whether I should talk about myself in CoT or just go from the perspective of the 26% of Americans who deal with mental health issues. I reminded myself that the only way to normalize mental health and be able to support each other is to be willing to talk about it. We have to remove the negative perception of mental health, especially for men. What’s the point of having a Mental Health Awareness month if no one wants to talk about it?

Shout out to C-Bus for bringing his Dad out! Welcome Turnpike!!

Also shout out to Bob Ross for driving 53 minutes for Run Club this morning!

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