04/24/2020 - Virtuosity - CRAB LEGS – VIRTUAL VQ – BAD BOY RECORDS

AO: Virtuosity

When: 04/24/2020


Number of Pax: 16

Pax Names: Backstreet, Ballboy, Bean Counter, Blues Clues, Cousin Eddie, Crab Legs, Crop Duster, Cupcake, HH Gregg, Motown, Poutine, Quarter Cart, Snorkle, TPS Report, Woodwind,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Flea Market

QIC: Crab Legs


VIRTUAL VQ for Crab Legs – LFG!


Motivators X 6

High Knees IC X 15

Tappy Taps IC X 15

Imperial Walkers IC X 15

Arm Circles IC X 12, forward and back


The Thang

AMRAP for 90 seconds each exercise.  After exercise, run 50 yards and run back 50 yards

  1. Squats, run
  2. Coupon Curls, run
  3. Lunges, run
  4. Merkins, run – and 10 burpees
  5. Bent Over Rows, farmer carry 1 arm to end of your driveway, switch arms on way back
  6. Thrusters, run
  7. Chest Presses, run
  8. Bobby Hurleys, run
  9. Rocky Balboas, bear crawl to end of driveway, crab walk back
  10. Dips


American Hammers IC X 20

Low Plank Twists IC X 15

Scissors IC X 15


Circle of Trust

Don’t let circumstances get you down.  Times are unique, tough, challenging, frustrating.  We don’t have a lot of control over the circumstances, what we can control is our reaction and how we deal with it.


Today, we had the most PAX ITG yet.  30+, however we’ve had 100+ before so our numbers are very low and there are lots of men on the sidelines.  We had some guys do their first Virtual post here today.  Reach out to a brother or 2 or 3, let’s get more guys participating because we don’t know how long this all will last.

Naked Man Moleskin

SYITG or Virtual Gloom, Crab Legs

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