02/25/2020 - The Outpost - Dark Greyish Diamond-Rage against The Machine

AO: The Outpost

When: 02/25/2020


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Blart, Blues Clues, Carmen SanDiego, Crab Legs, Crop Duster, Snorkle,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Coldcuts


37 degrees and no wind makes for a good start to the week. YHC took the Q from an injured Belay- had to help a brother out. One of my last workouts I attended before traveling was the Black Diamond, it set the standard for me as to what our workouts should be. it changed for me what 45 minute posts should feel like. 45 minutes is a short amount of time to get the blood flowing. It is a manageable struggle because in our brains we know it can’t be much longer until it is over. I want the pax to be praying for the workout to be done. I also want them to enjoy the relaxing, jazzy tones of Rage Against the Machine as I pushed them to the edge.


I didn’t feel much like warming up so we did a fast lap around the lot right into 20 SSH immediately into a run to the play ground to complete 10 OYO Burpee pull-ups, back around the lot with some variations to run into a two minute plank hold for a cool down.


The Thang

“How I could just Kill a Man”

Run to the tennis courts

Partner up

Pax 1 completes 2 Minute AMRAP Merkins (Full count, form matters- For those that struggle with form. A Merkin is completed when the nose touches the ground and the body is then PUSHED UP into a plank, repeat- it isn’t just bending your elbows 5 degrees)

Pax 2 runs suicides to the end of each court for the 2 minutes



2min AMRAP BBS (Full count, form matters)

Px 2 continues  suicides


Round 3

2 min AMRAP burpees

THANG 2 “Bulls On Parade”

Indian Run to the flags

Reversed at the halfway point


50ish American Hammers

15 leg lifts

15 BBS

20 Hammers

10 Leg Lifts

10 BBS

Repeat cycle one more time

Hold plank for 60 seconds

Circle of Trust

With the last minute Q, I didn’t have much time to plan my CoT-I had thought about it a bit last night and couldn’t put together the proper words so this will be my clarification.

I used to quit a lot. I had even talked in a CoT about quitting quitting. I still get that feeling of wanting to quit, feeling that doubt creep up into my mind mid challenge, the fear of failure seizing my muscles. I’ve come to enjoy this feeling, although it shows up a lot less than it used to. That feeling comes when I push myself to what I thought were physical limits, and I push past them. My goal for today was to hit that mark, move past it and push harder. I came damn close to it, but didn’t quite get there today- I guess that will be for the real “black diamond”.

Prayers for the family of Faye, for my family- My Uncle passed away suddenly, prayers for Evan’s family as they mourn his passing and celebrate his life.

Naked Man Moleskin

I sometimes forget how much fun it is to plan a Q, execute it, and watch as the men who show up struggle to complete it. One area that has been eating at me though, since GR16, was how we execute workouts in F3. Cadre Danny and Cadre Shredder both called us out for our form failures. We sacrifice the form of a movement to get the quickest execution. The goal for today was AMRAP 2 mins for most movements- It wasn’t to reach 100 or 300 or 5000- it was to find your standard when executing the proper movement.I want to see more of this in F3 Naperville. 20 well executed merkins are a kick in the nuts compared to 50 poorly executed ones. Challenge yourself to do it right, everytime- No Rep yourself if you have to and then kick it in the dick the next time.

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