08/12/2020 - Dark Tower - DARK TOWER – RUN CLUB – LET’S COMPETE!

AO: Dark Tower

When: 08/12/2020


Number of Pax: 16

Pax Names: afib, atat, Augustus Gloop, Blow Dry, Captain Underpants, Carmen SanDiego, Cupcake, Elmer Fudd, FIB, Magellan, Mayhem, Sparky, Uncle Rico,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Appletini


Day 2 of a 3 day run club tour!!!  Last week I committed to HC to Uncle Rico’s RC on Tuesday and Thursday of this week.  2 RCs in a week?? Can’t be that bad, right?  I mean…everyone knows how much I love to run, and how speedy I am. That’s a given… however, what I didn’t realize is that I had signed up to Q a RC today which just happened to be sandwiched in between my two HC’s…YAAAAYYYY!  Super uncomfortable!  So it got me thinking… what can we do that will be RC with out the boring (*in my mind) “out and backs”? What can keep us together but push us to run harder, faster, and keep our intensity up?  BOOM!! Competition!  So on my Q eve I went to the drawing board and cooked up some “running” workouts that I hoped to be heart pumping and fun all at the same time…

As my annoying alarm went off at 0400 and the birds started chirping shorty there after, I cautiously rolled myself out of bed, took myself to my “office”, took care of “business”, brushed my teeth, checked the weather app, threw on the digs, grabbed my cones, my shovel flags, my pride, and scurried out the door.

Conditions were pretty close to perfect – 64 degrees, light wind coming in from the North East, clear skys, and Elmer Fudd waiting anxiously in his car for YHC to show up.

Arrived at Dark Tower, planted my two flags, went and scouted out my territory, strategically placed the cones around the base of the hill by the path, and moseyed back to the flag to see 15 other warriors ready to take on whatever bullshit I was about to put us through.  Was this going to be a real RC, was it going to be BC with sprinkles of running, was it speed, distance, 45 minutes of high knees, 45 minutes of straight squats?? No one knew!

Had brief convo with my Sargent at Arms (Site Q Cupcake) and went over a little bonus pain he and I were approved to hand out at anytime during the workout… more on that later… 0515! Lego!!!


Disclaimer Given. Line up the PAX shoulder to shoulder facing North and off we go..

Cherry Pickers to the other side of the parking lot, mosey around circle.  Rinse and repeat

Good Mornings IC 15

Imperial Walkers IC 25

Bended Knee Twists Hand to the Sky Q – Right Side, Left Side, Rinse and Repeat

90/90’s – Seated Bent Knee Windshield wipers – IC 15

Indian Run two lines  – South to Eagle Street around path over River back to path by base of hill.

The Thang

THANG 1 –  Suicide Relay Races – Split teams up into groups of 4 x 4.  Each Pax one at a time runs a three cone suicide sprint and back, next PAX in line goes, and continue to rinse and repeat until each PAX runs the suicides x 2.  Other three PAX waiting for runner to come back are doing SSH’s *hands touching at the top, legs spreading apart on the ground (the right way), Hold High Planks, Hold People’s Chair *90 degrees.  Ran this race 3 times… PAX go twice, twice, and then once.


THANG 2 – Cone Game Competition – Split into two teams of 8 (ups and downs) on each side of the 9 mixed up cones at the base of the hill. Some knocked over…some standing upright.  Here’s the game.  Each team sends out two PAX at one time. The “Up” team runs out and stands up a cone that is knocked over, the “Down” team runs out and knocks over a cone that is standing up.  Each Pax can only touch one cone each time out (*you hear that Carmen San Diego?).  While the other 6 PAX wait their turn, they are doing SSHs until they run. We run this for 5 minutes.  After the clock stops the team with the most cones “UP” or “Down” wins.  Losing team runs the hill, winning team holds plank.  Rinse and repeat this 3 times.

Indian Run – two lines – back to flags.

6MOM – *maybe 4MOM – 

Down Dog Toe Touches IC – 25

Swimmers IC – 15 – 10 – 5  (rinsed and repeat decending)

Scorpion Holds each side



Circle of Trust

COR – #announcements = get on slack… Iron PAX challenge registration – NOR – Run if you can, Walk if you have to, Crawl if you must, but NEVER GIVE UP.  Prayers for the sick, Prayers to stay strong, Thanks were given to the SKY Q.


Naked Man Moleskin

So everyone has their different opinions on RC.  Some love to log the miles, some love to run drills, some like the “out and backs”, and some love to set a pace. I love them all… but I also like to keep us together and mix it up.  I think they each serve their important function. There were some muffled mumbblechatter about this not really being considered a run club..so I ask you this… did we run? did we run/sprint a lot? I believe the answer is yes.  I think it is just as important to run short fast drills, intervals, keeping the heart rate up and down, and getting that kick ass cardio burn, as it is to show up, run a 8-9 minute 4.5 mile route.  Different strokes for Different folks I say.  I think as a region we thrive on competition, we work harder when we are racing each other, and we push more when we have others side by side who are stronger, faster, and better then us.  I like the element of surprise, mystery, and anticipation so let’s hope that I was able to deliver that today ITG and that we upped our cardiovascular game today! It might of only been shy of 2 miles, but I’d say we left a lot of blood and sweat along the way.  See you fools at Run Club Circuit DAY 3 tomorrow at The Citadel!!!!



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