01/21/2021 - Iron Lion - Day 4 of the football gauntlet . . . back and biceps

AO: Iron Lion

When: 01/21/2021


Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names: Callahan, Chazz, Dorn, Glass Joe, Mellencamp, Mr. Belding, Mr. Nice Guy, Riunite, Seadoo, Software, Sulley, Sun Devil, Urban Cowboy,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: sizzler

QIC: Wine in A Box


Day 4 of the football gauntlet . . .  and Im getting gassed myself. These workouts are packing a two hour heavy lifting session designed for football players into a 40 minute timeframe with very limited tools. One thing I learned about the weeks workouts is I definitely need to keep an eye on the PAX to reinforce form and provide encouragement. This level of intensity requires a full time coach to keep a handle on everyone.

After chainlink ruined my original plan by having the black diamond at Iron Lion AND using both football goal posts, I had to adjust. Freaking chainlink . . .  if it was anyone else I’d be pissed, but he is such a good guy! Sigh . . . .  FINE. Lets find somewhere else.

The early ruckers saw me tearing around pitch black fields at 4:55 to get another  appropriate pull up station, and we found one on the extreme south end of the Iron Lion facilities. A very solid football goal post.

Mr Nice Guy, Urban Cowboy and Dorn helped put the finishing touches on the set up and we were ready to roll.

Only three PAX still in the running to finish the football gauntlet. Riunite, Sun Devil and Mellencamp!


SSH- 15

Abe Vigodas- 10

cross arm static stretch 8 seconds per arm

Arm circles, I added in a wrist rotation that thoroughly confused everyone but Riunite . . . because he was the only one to not break cadence. Adjust . . . .Adapt . . . . Overcome . . .


The Thang

Fast mosey to the football fields. This was further than expected, and Im sure the PAX felt betrayed at my “no real running” promise. Whatever . . .


  • Each PAX had to do 5 pull ups, with a spotter. I demonstrated proper form, with ankles crossed and knees bent. The spotter holds the crossed ankles, and if the exerciser needs assistance, they can use their legs to assist.
  • This was a non- negotiable. EVERYONE HAD TO COMPLETE THIS TASK.  Many of us avoid exercises because they are too hard or we are  afraid of failing in front of fellow PAX. If you dont try and fail . . you cant get better and improve. Pull ups are an exercise that most avoid. So everyone was going to do this, and get the feeling and accomplishment of doing a pull up. My challenge and goal to everyone is to work towards your own personal unassisted pull up goal by the end of year, and we will all help you get there. LFG.

Then fast mosey back to entrance of the playground for stations. Partner up with someone roughly the same size as you . .  and PUSH EACH OTHER.

Stations are AMRAP style, with the tire inchworms as the “timer”

1- Bent over Double coupon WIDE overhand bar rows (100 pounds . . big boy coupons)

2- Underhand big boy coupon conduit rows (50 ish pounds)

3- Lying coupon lat pullovers  (big boy or your own coupon)

4- Overhand big boy coupon conduit rows (50 ish pounds)

5- Single arm coupon rows (10 per arm, then switch and alternate)

6- Sandbag pulleys (at the playground, extra long fire hoses over the bars attached to 50 pounds of sandbags. Using a rowing/tug of war motion, pull the sandbag up. Repeat for reps)

7- Tire “inchworms”. (on all fours, have your feet in a tire. Jump your front hands forward, and then bring your knees to your chest, dragging along the tire. Almost like a frog jumping. ) do this for twenty yards, then come back) * Absolutely killer ab workout.



Using your own coupon or a big boy, grab a piece of conduit. In CADENCE.

20 curls with palms facing upward.

20 curls without conduit, palms facing each other (neutral)

10 curls with conduit palms facing downward (forearm destroyers)

bent over coupon single arm rows. (FORM IS IMPORTANT. Place left hand on left knee for stability. Slightly bend over so the coupon is at a dead non moving position in your right hand. Curl your right hand up to your left shoulder. Thats one rep)

10 per arm

Partner static “coupon waiter holds”. Face your partner. Have your hands inside your coupon, hands FLAT and facing upwards, like a waiter holding a  tray. Flex your biceps and maintain a static position for as long as you can.


Circle of Trust

CoT today is about faith.

First off great job everyone. I was a taskmaster coach today and focused on form. All good coaches (football or otherwise) push you beyond your limits and what you think you can do. they help you have FAITH in yourself. I had to correct form on a quite a few PAX and kept repeating my mantra

“Id rather have you do 10 perfect form reps than 15 with bad form.”

Bad form gets you injured. Bad form doesnt work the muscles as effectively. Bad form cheats you out of gains. Bad form is the easy way out . . . the “bitch voice” in your head (75 hard reference).

Bad form is easily correctable. We are here to encourage, reinforce and build up our fellow PAX. Have FAITH that we are here for you, not competing against you.

We all have fear coming to F-3. That fear saps our FAITH in ourselves and is insidious. It tears us down and makes us so afraid of failure that we dont even want to try.

We each did 5 pull ups today. Almost no PAX raised their hands when I asked who can do 5 pull ups. BULLSHIT. We ALL will do five pullups. Have the FAITH in yourselves to try, and have FAITH in your fellow pax to be there as a spotter if needed. Everyone achieved something today that they didnt think they could do . . . and showed some FAITH in themselves along the way.

If I have learned anything from my 7 months in F-3, is that our fellow PAX always have your 6. We are not here to judge you, make fun of you, or look down on you if you cant finish an exercise. We have FAITH in you, and know you can elevate yourself to a higher level. You all just need to find that faith within yourselves . . . and know that you have an army of F-3 men that have your back.


Naked Man Moleskin

I was looking forward to this one when I was putting it together. Football offseason strength training is done as a team, and in pairs for lifting. You need a spotter to push you further than you think you can go alone. SO this was done with partners of similar size that can push each other to go further.

Mr. Nice Guy- Great site Q sir! Appreciate the help getting set up, and see you on Saturday for run club!

Sun Devil- One of the brave souls doing the gauntlet. Excellent excellent job! You helping your partner is exactly what I envisioned when putting this together. Your encouragement helped them get to another level.

Callahan- Great job, and thank you for bringing out “sizzler”! Way to keep pushing, and I hope he doesnt quit  .. . .  😉

Glass Joe- Yep . . . you knew I was going to ride you on those inchworms. But way to not stop and give up.

Sulley- Considering you have arms longer than an orangutang, these long movements with heavy weight are tougher for you than for others. Yet you keep blowing through milestones like they arent even there. (but I have my eye on you for inchworms if I do them again . . . just sayin)

Mr, Belding- The quiet administrator . . . I didnt have to jump on you at all for form or stopping . . so we didnt talk much today. And thats a good thing.

Riunite- When it called for a regular coupon, you stepped up and used a Big Boy . .  thats freaking going balls out!!! Way to keep pushing and one of the only men to keep finishing the gauntlet!

Urban Cowboy- Like Sulley, you have freakishly long arms, so these can be tougher. But your willingness to take direction on some of the exercises showed your grit. Plus you were adding in burpees with dorn?!?!

Chazz- You havent been here long, but already made quite the impression. I was on you for inchworms, and you busted them out like they were nothing. Way to freakin go!!!!

Dorn- You are going to lose status as a clydesdale if you keep losing weight. You see a lot of the “bantamweight” guys doing the burpee challenge. When guys of our size do it we are moving around 50 pounds more than them on every rep, every step, every exercise. Your attendance and drive is something to be emulated.

Seadoo- Great meeting you today! I think I posted with you once before, but it was great going through a Q with you. SYITG.

Mellencamp- Honestly, I did not think you would still be in the gauntlet. You are crushing it, and making me look like an ass for doubting you. You are bringing the fire every damn day, and still have enough in the tank for a smile at name-o-rama. Keep killing it, and I cant wait for your VQ.

Software- I know you had doubts when we started pull ups, but YOU FUCKING KILLED IT. You keep coming out day after day and never giving up. Have faith that these exercises will start to get easier, and your cardio will improve. I was exactly where you are in June. We all have your 6, and are your best cheerleaders. You fucking got this brother.

Sizzler- Way to not give up. The first day tends to suck ass . .  and having a heavy powerlifting Q doesnt help. (ps- normally there is way more running.) I cant believe your favorite movie is “white men cant jump” and “sizzler” is very appropriate.

two more days of the gauntlet left men . . . . SYITG.

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