02/22/2021 - The Outpost - Early Outpost Redemption

AO: The Outpost

When: 02/22/2021


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Blues Clues, Bozo, Snorkle, Stripes, Woodwind,

DR Names: Disco Ball, Pawnstar

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Toadstool


Last week at EOP, I was disappointed that my smartwatch showed max heart rate at 117. Was it broke? Was it too easy?
Did I fail to Q a nice BC burn?
Planning to redeem myself with a more intense beatdown this morning.


Bend down keep leg and back straight 

Arm stretch


Leg circles

High knees 

Merkin knee in

The Thang

Partner up

P1 farmer carries around circular drive

P2 100 merkin Plank jacks. Switch till partners do 100 reps of above.


-100 in and out planks (Plank position jump in and out)

-100 merkin side Plank (push up then raise hand up in sky)

-100 alternating lats merkin (one merkin, right hand moved to right at lower than chest level then merkin. Back to left)

-100 paver curtsey shoulder raise

-100 paver squeeze (row) and lateral raise. 

-100 superman pavers 


Thang 2 pavilionInstead of MoR

We did 

100 bench pullups and bench dips.

(20 reps each till 100)


After about 2xeach set of 20 reps

It’s 6 o’clock!


Circle of Trust

Prayers for Vern and Bunker on their sport injuries.


Naked Man Moleskin


“One kind word can warm three months of winter”

  • Japanese Proverb

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