01/23/2021 - The Outpost - EOP Simple Beatdown

AO: The Outpost

When: 01/23/2021


Number of Pax: 23

Pax Names: Baby Hands, Blow Dry, Boxcutter, Bozo, Cousin Eddie, DJ Sump Pump, Elway, Handy Manny, Judge Smails, Nala, Pawn Star, Snorkle, Sparky, Sweeney Todd, Sweet Gherkins, Thumb Drive, Tiny Dancer, Toadstool, Tonka, Trailer Park, Vern, Woodwind,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Toadstool


A Saturday Early Outpost you don’t want to miss


-Calf stretch 10 sec hold

-Ankle rocks IC x10 

-Squats IC x10 

-Plank position- right knee to left elbow IC x10. Left knee to right elbow IC x10

-Shoulder stretch arms bent 90 degree in front – squeeze elbows towards each other, flare open arms to side to squeeze shoulders, bring fists across top of head while maintaining tension all throughout the movement. 4 count cadence x 10

-Arm circles IC x10 forward then reverse


Triceps extension IC x10.  Rinse repeat till 30

The Thang

Thang 1

Speed bump to pavilion


Exercise 1

P1 stay at the bump do “no merkin” burpees – both partners up to 100

P2 run to pavilion do 20 box jumps run back and switch 


Exercise 2

P1 Bonnie Blairs both legs count as1. Both partners do 200

P2 run to Pavilion do 20 box jumps run back and switch


Exercise 3

P1 Bobby Hurley 300

P2 Pavilion 20 box jumps


Thang 2

P1 dips till failure, shake it off, do more till failure keep going till P2 comes back.

P2 pull ups x20 (or Carolina dry docks if no space in pull up bars) then relieve P1

Two sets of pull ups/Carolina dry docks each. 

Circle of Trust

I did 300 burpees on my 59th birthday. Never did that before and I didn’t expect to do so many. By doing that I learned a lesson. Something was interestingly strange..

First burpee was the hardest, while tthe easiest was the 300th burpee.

I learned I should set some higher, difficult challenging goals. 

It has always been a challenge for me to find more time to pray. 

This year in 2021 my one word is PRAY.

I’m bad at setting aside a time in my day to come to God. I seem to pray the most and the hardest only if I need something. He always provided and not failed me, 

I should pray more regardless if I need help or healing.

To do this I need a plan, I will set an alarm as a reminder. In a given time of day I will pause to pray for maybe a minute.  I will gradually build on this, as I believe it’s important to have an open communication with God.


Sharing a Chinese Proverb I came across;

‘The man who removes a mountain starts by carrying away small stones.’ 


Let’s Pray

Prayers of thanks to be out here in the gloom to enjoy the fellowship and keeping us from injuries. 

Prayers for Ronda Rousey’s family and Impossible burger for healing. 

Ptayets for Sweeney Todd’s safe travels.

Naked Man Moleskin

Relatively big attendance  this morning  thanks to lucky seven travelers

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