06/27/2021 - The Outpost - Expect things will be Painful

AO: The Outpost

When: 06/27/2021


Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names: Blueprints, Columbus, Elway, Judge Smails, Ken Doll, PVC, Quarter Cart, Shirley Temple, Snorkle, Toadstool, Trailer Park, Waterfall,

DR Names: Lois Lane, Salad Dressing, Stormchaser

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Toadstool


Wasn’t sure if rain will mix in with some lightning so I planned to do all  thangs at the pavilion. I have enough water jugs for 10 HCs.

As we started I counted 13 pax and another 2 coming in hot. Total 15 pax. 

I’m ready, I came prepared. I brought some backup 5lb pavers.

Much better to have actual Pax showing up outnumber the HCs. Fartsack is a big letdown to everyone.

Off we go.


Circled up, introduced myself; not a professional and not aware of any injuries, modify as needed. Also, this is not a Tide or Downy sponsored workout, although our water containers are from these products. 

We will be performing exercises with regard to proper form – slow and deliberate movements. Proper form and execution is key, not the number of reps.. Don’t forget your breathing. When you exert the effort, that’s when you exhale. On negative effort, that’s when you inhale. Be mindful, be present.


Squats icx30

Lunge walk icx30

Arm circles x10 forward x10 back.

Ferkins x20

The Thang

Circled up, introduced myself; not a professional and not aware of any injuries, modify as needed. Also, this is not a Tide or Downy sponsored workout, although our water containers are from these products. 

We will be performing exercises with regard to proper form – slow and deliberate movements. Proper form and execution is key, not the number of reps.. Don’t forget your breathing. When you exert the effort, that’s when you exhale. On negative effort, that’s when you inhale. Be mindful, be present.


Squats icx30

Lunge walk icx30

Arm circles x10 forward x10 back.

Ferkins x20


Thang 1 Each Pax grabs a pair of water jugs, about 9lbs each. Some had to use 5lb pavers for most of these exercises


Counterbalance squat icx30

Mumblechatter: Pax asking what’s this exercise called. Is it in the lexicon?

This one you raise both jugs with arms straight to your shoulder level while going down on squat. So we named it based on how it looks.

*Made up names in parenthesis

*(Praying mantis)

Last time we did this it was “pumping water” but praying mantis sounds cooler.


Reverse lunge and twist icx30

*(Shaolin monk)


Single arm row – Raise one leg behind, lateral raise water jugs  icx20

*(One legged rice farmer)


Tricep kickback with bent knees. (One legged rice farmers wife)



Step ups with the water jugs with Calf raise x50oyo


Back to work


American Hammers w one  water jug icx20

American Hammers w one water jug, shoot for 50x. But gassed out and we did icx35

*(Shaolin Rocky)


Alternating press and bicycle 

*(Dying cockroach. That’s a good name why change it) 


V Sit alternating twist and press 

(Stopped making up names at this point)


Break time:

-Very Slow count merkin 10xic

On my “down” then slowly rise up to the slow count of five.

-Very slow count Big Boys 4xic

Lie down bent knees and without letting foot off the ground,  on my “up” slowly sit up to the slow five count. 

*Sounds easier than you think 


Jack knife and skull crushers icx30

Front and lateral raise icx25

Thrusters w coupons icx20


Mosy one lap around the parking lot then it’s:



Bigboy situps icx30

Mountain climbers icx20

Circle of Trust

The Pax present heard the story of roosters. All I can say is try to catch one of the upcoming Zen workouts, I might bring it up again. Maybe…

My CoT is a drop in the bucket compared to all things going on. Focused on prayers instead.


Prayers for us to have kindness and gentleness on our hearts. Gtateful to be in fellowship, to workout and bevfree from injuries.. Prayed for protection for each one in the circle.

Raised up prayers for Tim and Mary, C-bus’s  father and stepmother.

Tim was recently diagnosed with cancer. Mary has early onset (?) ALS.

Let’s pray for God’s healing upon them both. Also prayers for their family to be strong during this rough time.


Prayers for Rusty’s knee surgery, when that happens. Everyone was reminded by Judge Smails to pray for the people affected by the the tragic collapse of the Condo building in Miami.


Naked Man Moleskin

Had a great time, hope all learned something new today.

JudgevSmails reference to cutting off a roosters waddle and crown is like circumcision. Maybe.

And Waterfall’s reference to sacking a rooster. Can someone check his pastor credentials?

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